Just one question for the left — WHY? – IOTW Report

Just one question for the left — WHY?

It’s one question, but it could be asked thousands of times in regards to the left’s asinine and evil policies and beliefs.

13 Comments on Just one question for the left — WHY?

  1. Wyatt Earp:
    What makes a man like Ringo, Doc? What makes him do the things he does?

    Doc Holliday:
    A man like Ringo has got a great big hole, right in the middle of himself. And he can never kill enough, or steal enough, or inflict enough pain to ever fill it.

    Wyatt Earp:
    What does he want?

    Doc Holliday:

    Wyatt Earp:
    For what?

    Doc Holliday:
    Bein’ born.

  2. Why do I have to wear a mask on my flights but not when I’m in Home Depot or my local grocery store?

    Or cutting to the chase, WhyTF is Hillary Clinton et.al. still walking around?

    It’s just about the same answer for both of these questions.

  3. Another aspect of why would be their superiority complex that they all seem to have. If we would only do what we’re told it wouldn’t seem asinine or evil to us.

  4. Why is governor Northam of Virginia teasing the idea of ‘mandatory’ mask wearing all of a sudden?
    Same answer to the question, ‘why do dogs lick their balls?’

    Because they can.

  5. The question he is asking, and one I constantly ask myself, is why is the left so driven to destroy the Constitutional Republic of the United States. That’s the disease. The why. They’re actions are the symptoms. And what I posted above rings with a certain amount of truth.

  6. “The Left’s most effective way to silence their guilty conscience is to convince themselves and others that those they have sinned against are indeed depraved creatures, deserving every punishment, even extermination. They cannot pity those they have wronged, nor can they be indifferent toward them. They must hate and persecute them or else leave the door open to self-contempt.” ~ Eric Hoffer (paraphrased)

    “today’s democrats stand convicted by their own hypocrisy that they imposed on all the rest of us” ~ Victor Davis Hansen

  7. @Brad – your Wyatt Earp / Doc Holliday exchange analogy was spot on. Self-loathing is a powerful motivator. They are hideous, ugly and despicable people inside, and they know it. So the rest of us must pay for their brokenness.

    p.s. Dylan’s rant was excellent. He looks pretty young, so I hope appeals to the millennials and younger.

  8. stirrin the pot

    I’ve had a couple experiences with Libtards that would lead me to believe they don’t care about dying. Because the only thing that stood in the way of that happening is my naturally sunny disposition.

  9. Brad – “…lead me to believe they don’t care about dying…”

    With all due respect, I beg to differ. When you combine the arrogance of a liberal, with no shame or self-awareness, you have a recipe for someone who has no clue how close they may have come to dying.

    Because if they did, they would be cowering, whimpering and peeing in their pants.

  10. Liberals are terrified of death.

    They don’t believe in God, for the most part, so they think death is oblivion. They recoil from their own belief of ending up nothing, nada, a zero, a zilch. It’s total oblivion with no merciful God to save them.

    How they go through life like that is a mystery. Serious depression and suicide are the end of the road for many of them.


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