French Navy Coordinating With British Navy To Shepard Illegals Across English Channel – IOTW Report

French Navy Coordinating With British Navy To Shepard Illegals Across English Channel


Politician and journalist Nigel Farage has said he witnessed illegal aliens being shepherded to British territorial waters “with the active participation of the French Navy” who coordinated with UK Border Force in offloading migrants into England.

On Wednesday, Mr Farage reported from the English Channel that he witnessed French navy vessels “escorting” boats out of French waters in British territory. During that time, he said that the British coast guard had threatened to “commandeer” the vessel he was travelling in if he persisted in filming migrants being transferred to British authorities.  More

The MSM has confirmed Farage’s report. Here

12 Comments on French Navy Coordinating With British Navy To Shepard Illegals Across English Channel

  1. The European elites are under the belief if they don’t mix breed the whites they will perish from inbreeding. Why the picked animals is anyone’s guess.

  2. This is Bizarro World bullshit. The two Navy’s instead should be working together to sink everything that floats if an ILLEGAL alien is aboard. These are all Mohammedan Savages from flyblown disease ridden Third World Shitholes

  3. Gads, importing terror. It has done so much for Britain, so far.

    The British Empire has not shrunk, it’s just not able to count headless bodies.Death by Islamacide.

    I am presuming the French navy is using garbage haulers.

  4. remember these illegal gimmigrants work on % the familys pay for one illegal to get in the uk , then it`s family reunification time , when they get the border force free ferry service they are NOT detained , they have a quick process then put up in hotels . and left free to roam for years while there applications are processed , most through away their documents , so an afgan will say he is Iranian for special treatment , it stinks , estimated one million illegals still roaming free and working in the uk black market , neil England

  5. 95% of illegals entering the uk are muslim , the koranc command is called ” HIJRAH ” jihad by migration into none muslim lands , it`s worked well for the last 1,500 years , to day muslim terror attack at corpus Christi air base , enjoy your enrichment America , you invited them in , and you never voted for it like here in the uk , neil

  6. “Managed Decline” is the British ruling philosophy.
    Has been since the 60s.

    Socialism needs a steadily increasing pool of serfs to pay the taxes necessary to further socialism – like the snake that eats itself. If the consumption simply maintains the expense – stagnation occurs. Thus, the entire system diminishes – so growth at the bottom (the great mass of unwashed – more unwashed with the import of ragheads and other filth) is required.
    To maintain the pretense of “growth” or “sustainability” rat-people must be imported to counter the declining birth rate. If this changes the whole concept of Britain, so be it: everybody ends up dead, anyway (the nihilist view).

    Diabolically clever in its simplicity.
    And subjects are … well … SUBJECTS! … aren’t they?

    No one is actually hiding anything! They’re just not bringing it to anyone’s attention.

    izlamo delenda est …

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