CDC backtracks, changes guidelines to say coronavirus ‘does not spread easily’ on contaminated surfaces – IOTW Report

CDC backtracks, changes guidelines to say coronavirus ‘does not spread easily’ on contaminated surfaces

“That is why handwashing and avoiding touching one’s face are important. However, this isn’t the main way the virus is spread.”

17 Comments on CDC backtracks, changes guidelines to say coronavirus ‘does not spread easily’ on contaminated surfaces

  1. The science about masks is that we shouldn’t wear them.

    The science about social distancing is….there is no science about social distancing.

    The science about virus death models is….who knows, but we do know that the models being foisted upon us are beyond nonsense.

    The science about unemployment is long standing and accepted. But completely ignored by the scientists we are being led by right now.

    The opinion of a scientist is not science. It is just an opinion. And opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one.

  2. CDC is right on top of confusing the public. Do they actually know what the F their doing??? Why do we have them?? I’m fuzzy on just what they do for the general public??? Are they now just an arm of the democraps??

  3. Great comments above. Love visiting here bc my blue state city (n va) is a sheep-filled zombie apocalypse. Lets zero out the useless cdc what a *+#&* ripoff. Oh yeah weve been had and the entire masks distancing all if it is complete crap. Look at Sweden. Open everything yesterday ffs.

  4. I have had 2 health care professionals in the past 2 weeks tell me masks are useless. They also said the shut downs are damaging.
    One pointed out that she changes her gloves with every task and her mask with every patient. That is not feasible for the general public.
    One said that if we don’t get herd immunity a lot of people are going to get sick when everything opens up.

    This is way beyond health. This is about control, blue state crappy Governors scamming money out of the feds and trying to shut down Trump and Republicans.
    In my opinion it is going to backfire big time.

  5. The only thing that they had correct was that the elderly were more at risk.

    Thus, they DID NOT protect the elderly! rampant in old age homes.
    Cuomo- Democrat,
    Quebec- separatist,
    Ontario- Conservative

    The Government Bureaucrats stay the same no matter who is elected and the stupidity and incompetence become entrenched.

    There is the DEEP SWAMP – Trump is fighting it.
    And the Bureaucrat swamp- that is bigger and entrenched.

  6. It is said that medicine is an art, not a science.
    These fools have made it a guessing game and given
    their ever changing, flip of the coin “rules” illegal
    force of law.

  7. Oh, please.
    Blah, blah, blah – we no longer possess any skepticism, logic, reason, or enough downright orneriness to get our backs stiff.
    They lie, they lie, and then they lie some more. We’ve caught them in it so many times it’s ridiculous – but they STILL exist! They STILL lie! They STILL get paid to lie! AND WE CONTINUE TO PAY THEM!

    We shouldn’t be looking askance at the CDC; we should be asking ourselves “What the fuck is wrong with US?” that we put up with these ass-clowns!

    We should expect opportunistic maggots to take advantage of opportunities (DUH!) but we don’t have to provide those opportunities, do we? We don’t have to throw money at opportunistic maggots, do we? So that I can squirrel away $1,200 I’m willing to impoverish my great-grandson?

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Deplorable Second Class
    MAY 22, 2020 AT 7:41 AM
    “CDC is right on top of confusing the public. Do they actually know what the F their doing???”

    …yes, actually. They are doing what ALL the Obama corrupted Deep State agencies are SUPPOSED to do.

    Try and destroy Trump’s America.

    ..and doing a pretty credible job of it, too…

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