New Jersey Governor: State Won’t Return to “New Normal” Until Vaccine – IOTW Report

New Jersey Governor: State Won’t Return to “New Normal” Until Vaccine

BLP: New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy is warning that his state isn’t going to adjust to what he’s calling a “new normal” until the scientific community develops a working vaccine for coronavirus.

Murphy laid out his prediction for his state in a Facebook post on Monday.

Until a proven vaccine is widely available, we cannot firmly enter the ‘new normal,’ when life will once again return to all our workplaces, downtowns, and main streets,” the Democratic governor warned.

Governor Murphy’s insistence on the development of a vaccine to return to full normalcy is a reaching requirement. There’s no reason to confidently assume that medical researchers are going to develop a vaccine for the virus anytime soon. None of the other coronavirus known to infect humans have vaccines. The 2002 SARS outbreak, a disease related to COVID-19, drew considerable attention from the medical and scientific community, and a vaccine was never developed.

10 Comments on New Jersey Governor: State Won’t Return to “New Normal” Until Vaccine

  1. “Until a proven vaccine …. ”


    I doubt that will be the real standard when the upcoming forced vaccinations are required in order to be allowed to participate in life again.

    FWIW, and something to at least consider in regard to this: Revelation 16:2 “The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the land, and ugly, festering sores broke out on the people who had the mark of the beast and worshiped its image.”

  2. Curious. Governor Murphy just invited businesses and productive people to leave New Jersey for “sunnier climes.” Who does he think he is, Nelson Rockefeller?

  3. …nah, no worries NJ, it’s just until Democrats steal the White House and/or the Senate this November.

    ..after that, you’ll be forced back to work, and you’ll never hear about the Coronavirus again…

  4. How is the vaccine proven? How does it stay ‘proven’ when the virus mutates? This is a power play by a petty tyrant. His state is going to open up whether he likes it or not.

  5. It won’t matter, even if they can develop a proven vaccine. They will move the goalposts again and require a cure for the common cold.

    Oops, I shouldn’t have given them that idea


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