Pelosi is Morbidly Obtuse – IOTW Report

Pelosi is Morbidly Obtuse


PolitiFact, a left-of-center fact-checker, debunked Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s recent claim that President Donald Trump was “morbidly obese,” saying that “Trump would have to be substantially heavier” to fit her description.

“As far as the president is concerned, he’s our president and I would rather he not be taking something that has not been approved by the scientists, especially in his age group and in his, shall we say, weight group, morbidly obese, they say,” Pelosi claimed during an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper this week. “So I think it’s not a good idea.”

Officially, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention does not define the threshhold needed for someone to be considered “morbidly obese.” Instead, the CDC says that “Class 3” obesity, sometimes categorized as “extreme” or “severe” obesity, is defined as having a body-mass index, or BMI, of 40 or higher. Other medical sources list a definition of “morbidly obese” as equivalent to a BMI of 40 or higher.

Some available data about Trump comes from his most recent periodic physical exam. In a 2019 memo, Trump’s physician Dr. Sean Conley said Trump was 6 feet, 3 inches tall and 243 pounds. …

Officially, Trump’s height and weight would correlate to a BMI of 30.1, just a bit over the 30.0 level to be considered obese — the lowest of three levels. That is not high enough to count as Class 3 obesity.


24 Comments on Pelosi is Morbidly Obtuse

  1. …you’re talking about a Party that won’t even accept thousands of years of settled science as to what’s male and female, so I’d be pretty surprised if they suddenly started changing what they said over little things like facts, truth, or science in anything ELSE…

  2. When I read about Pelosi -as well as a good number of the other politicians in high positions- I wonder at the type of people living in her district that continue to reelect her to represent them more than I do at Pelosi herself.

  3. I’m morbidly obese according to the ‘chart’. I weigh 200 lbs and the chart says I should weigh 160 lbs. If I weighed 160 lbs I wouldn’t have the strength to tie my own shoes….

  4. I like that: “morbidly obtuse”.
    Better than mine, “morbidly stoopid”.
    Thank you, don’t mind if I do “borrow” that.

  5. Rancid Nan is also:

    morbidly obdurate
    morbidly obfirmed
    morbidly oblatrant
    morbidly oblimated
    morbidly obloquial
    morbidly obnoxious
    morbidly obreptitious
    morbidly obstant
    morbidly obstinate
    morbidly obstipate
    morbidly obstreperous
    morbidly obstructionary
    morbidly obtrectatory
    morbidly obtrusive
    morbidly obtundent
    morbidly obtuse

  6. Well, she is dealing with the morbidity of her constituents, so maybe she’s got a lost of “morbid” on her mind. Yeah, she’s facing a lot of morbidity and that, alone, can make one morbid.

  7. Scrape off all of her makeup, remove her silicone, kick off her heels and then do a BMI index on the resulting smashed can off asshole.

    I’m 5’9″ and 208lbs.
    I am on the obesity index @ 196.9lbs or more

    However, 32 years of construction, lifting weights for +35 years, and riding a mountain bike in the Ontario forests, they can shove that index right up their shitters.

  8. I am nearly as tall as President Trump is and weigh about 240 pounds. I may be a little overweight but I don’t consider myself to be obese. And there is no way I could weigh about 170-180 pounds again like I was when I was in the Navy back in the 70’s. I am happy with who I am and what I weigh and don’t think it’s a big deal for the President either. The way that she’s talking you’d think that she was talking about President Taft who weighed about 300 pounds and got stuck in the White House bathtub once.

  9. I am nearly as tall as President Trump is and weigh about 240 pounds. I may be al ittle overweight but I don’t consider myself to be obese. And there is no way I could weigh about 170-180 pounds again like I was when i was in the navy back in the 70’s. i happy with who i am and what I weigh and don’t think it’s a big deal for the President either. The way that she’s talking you’d think that she was talking about President Taft who weighed about 300 pounds and got stuck in the White House bathtub once.

  10. Nanny Nancy is the poster child (or should I say poster Granny) for why term limits are necessary. For the Love of Pete your 80 year’s old and you’ve done enough damage to our country. Move on already.

  11. That hag resembles someone out of a death camp, she probably should be more careful about criticizing others about their appearance.
    All that money you pissed away on cosmetic surgery was futile you old scarecrow.


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