California doctors say they’ve seen more deaths from suicide than coronavirus since lockdowns – IOTW Report

California doctors say they’ve seen more deaths from suicide than coronavirus since lockdowns


Doctors in Northern California say they have seen more deaths from suicide than they’ve seen from the coronavirus during the pandemic.

“The numbers are unprecedented,” Dr. Michael deBoisblanc of John Muir Medical Center in Walnut Creek, California, told ABC 7 News about the increase of deaths by suicide, adding that he’s seen a “year’s worth of suicides” in the last four weeks alone.

DeBoisblanc said he believes it’s time for California officials to end the stay-at-home order and let people back out into their communities.

“Personally, I think it’s time,” he said. “I think, originally, this was put in place to flatten the curve and to make sure hospitals have the resources to take care of COVID patients. We have the current resources to do that, and our other community health is suffering.” read more

13 Comments on California doctors say they’ve seen more deaths from suicide than coronavirus since lockdowns

  1. You haven’t seen nothing yet. When the dictators open things back up, wait for the evictions, foreclosures and significant joblessness to kick in. Going to be a sorry sight.

  2. I fell bad for many people who are suffering, but up here there are no real protests and very very few have organized and demonstrated, so they must obviously be happy with their governments.

    I’m doing fine, and working almost every day, but the people who are totally shut down should get down town and peacefully sit on the legislature front lawn and give a visual representation of their numbers.

    So, Fuck us!


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