A New Addition To The Pet Portrait Gallery – IOTW Report

A New Addition To The Pet Portrait Gallery

This is Skippy!

SuperNightShade commissioned this.

Anyone interested can see details HERE

or email me at bigfurhat.mail@gmail.com

9 Comments on A New Addition To The Pet Portrait Gallery

  1. …this is another example of Sir Fur making fine art from lousy pictures. This was a birthday thing and Momma wanted a companion piece to go with Hat’s rendition of Mini, https://iotwreport.com/pet-portrait-gallery/minipaint-2/,
    since Skippy immediately became Minis companion in life, but the pose she wanted didn’t have the WHOLE dog. She had one with the FRONT she wanted and one with the BACK she wanted, but no COMPLETE one. So, I turned to BFH and asked if he could scrap a usable image of what I wanted out of two images that I didn’t.

    Well, it seems he could.

    And did.

    The painted dog actually looks better than the real thing. These guys get nasty hair pretty quick, and the brown eye goop of course, but Fur cleaned all that up and polished the floor a bit besides.

    He captures his earnest, not-too-bright look very well. Skippy’s very loyal to Mini, helps us find her, tells Momma when its time for Mini’s meds, and announces all the comings and goings so no one can sneak up on us. He’s very food-centric as you can see and couldn’t figure out how to play Fetch properly to save his life, but Momma loves him and he, her.

    Another fine job by our multitalented ringmaster, done well and pretty quick too. A big thumb up to Big Fur.


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