Supreme Court Rejects Church Appeal – IOTW Report

Supreme Court Rejects Church Appeal

Fox News – A divided Supreme Court on Friday rejected an emergency appeal by a California church that challenged state limits on attendance at worship services that have been imposed to contain the spread of the coronavirus.

Over the dissent of the four more conservative justices, Chief Justice John Roberts joined the court’s four liberals in turning away a request from the South Bay United Pentecostal Church in Chula Vista, California, in the San Diego area.

Finish reading here.

h/t Supernightshade

38 Comments on Supreme Court Rejects Church Appeal

  1. Why can’t one of the liberal justices go rogue and become a conservative? Why is it only conservatives that get on the court only to disappoint us, like Roberts and Cavanaugh?

  2. Being a Supreme court justice has to be the easiest job in the world! The Constitution is written in so plain and simple a language that all a justice has to do is tell elected officials that they cannot do what they always try to do and that is screw the American public with nonsensical, stupid and illegal actions and directives!

  3. Once an elected official or judge makes a ruling or passes a law outside the boundaries of the Constitution that they swore to uphold and defend they are automatically no longer entitled to hold that position or office!

  4. @jellybean May 30, 2020 at 5:19 pm

    The next conservative article of faith:

    “The Second Amendment can’t be gone!
    I still have all these unused bullets!”

  5. This issue is much bigger than just “freedom of religion”. You will not win using that argument. The issue is who has the authority, and from what legal document, to restrict gatherings of more than 10, 100, or whatever.

    The whole “essential/non-essential” designation is arbitrary bullshit. Why can I go to Wal-Mart but not church? Bullshit. Control freak bullshit.

    In this particular case, it really isn’t about freedom of religion, but rather the rights of local governments to impose “health” restrictions. Roberts probably wasn’t all that wrong.

  6. …just in case anyone thought those naked pictures of Roberts weren’t still out there, well, here’s your sign.

    Roberts, like a baby murdering “Justice” before him, found him some “Eminations in the penumbra” to where he “felt” they could do what the Constitution EXPLICITLY says they can NOT do.


    In ONE amendment.

    “Amendment I
    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

    …NO law restricting the free exercise of religion. That’s ONE.

    NO law restricting the right of the people to peaceably assemble. That’s TWO.

    It’s only a paragraph. Not that hard to read, no big words to comprehend. Almost like even our lawyer forefathers wanted to be ABSOLUTELY clear on this.

    …you’d have to go to the Barry Soetoro Skule of Constipational Lawz TWICE to read it any other way.

    Or someone’s got pictures of you humping a dead infant.

    If you read his tortured legal manglings to “justify” Obamacare, or the crap he trowels on THIS time, to wit…

    “Roberts wrote in brief opinion that the restriction allowing churches to reopen at 25% of their capacity, with no more than 100 worshipers at a time, “appear consistent” with the First Amendment. Roberts said similar or more severe limits apply to concerts, movies and sporting events “where large groups of people gather in close proximity for extended periods of time.””,

    …then you realize he’s just lying faster than a horse can trot.

    This ignores the fact that movie theatres and concerts are NOT specifically mentioned in the Constitution, and churches ARE. Roberts is NOT a stupid man, so he KNOWS this, but says dumb, half-baked things like this anyway.

    So if he’s not stupid and he always gives rulings like thus with a scared look on his face, he’s either being blackmailed or threatened with death.

    Ask Scalia if they can make that happen.

    Rights are given by God. If man limits them, they are not rights at all. Once the nose of the camel is in the tent, it will eventually eat everything it it, not just a bite.

    The only guarentee of the First is the Second.

    …looking like time to redeem that guarantee..

  7. Nice to know that our rights can be taken away simply by fiat just because someone decides to do so. If we don’t vigorously fight back, we deserve to lose them. From openly disobeying them to getting rid of the fascists at the ballot box, there are many ways to resist.

  8. “Why can’t one of the liberal justices go rogue and become a conservative?”

    Because, as has been pointed out here many times, human nature never falls uphill.

  9. …always right to the point in very few words, @grool, and never in error.

    I sometimes envy you, as I suspect the Lord equipped you well knowing you would serve him well, and you do…

    …see, many words, few to the point. Just the opposite…

  10. Once again I point out an important PSA:
    If anyone sees John Roberts having a seizure in the swimming pool, please don’t forget to throw in a box of soap and a load of laundry!

  11. Extirpates
    MAY 30, 2020 AT 5:46 PM
    “I hate to break this to Judge Robots:
    The ultimate authority…. resides in the people alone.
    James Madison Federalist 46”

    …true for Man, but the ULTIMATE ultimate authority is God’s…

    Romans 13:1
    “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.”

  12. Quit griping and be nice to the government.

    If you are, they may give you permission to attend church again as long as you follow their rules and guidelines for conducting your worship services.

  13. Roberts keeps twisting himself into knots to make excuses to defend leftist policies which are in violation of the U.S. Construction. It’s getting old.
    Time to nominate Supreme Court judge candidates that adjudicate like Scalia. President Trump by now, must understand being politically liberal/moderate does not equal conservatism. No more Kavanagh or Roberts types need apply.

  14. SNS,

    Much appreciated but trust me, I have no special skills nor gifts, from Him or of myself. I simply spent years learning why and how to “rightly divide the Word of truth” as commanded (2 Tim 2:15), and then believing what I read. That’s it…that’s how Paul said anyone becomes an approved workman. Without it, they’re not.

    The key is right division, as Paul said. That requires questioning many previously unquestioned denominational assumptions and jettisoning much theological baggage. It wasn’t painless, but has been more than worth it.

  15. @VoyageoftheBanned May 30, 2020 at 5:40 pm

    > From openly disobeying them to getting rid of the fascists at the ballot box, there are many ways to resist.

    No, Karen. There is only one way to resist armed xen, that call you “enemy”.
    (And none of yours are “it”.)

  16. Btw, do you remember that john roberts had a SEIZURE in 2007, where he was rendered completely unconscious? And had a prior seizure in 1993?

    He is likely on antiseizure medication, which can change you significantly: some drugs produce changes in emotions, memory or behavior, or affect learning.

    No one’s been talking about this, especially given the change in roberts’ voting and his weakness in folding during the obamacare decision.

  17. We need to start over.

    The protesters burning every liberal city to the ground seems like a good way to head towards starting over.

    Hey people, it’s liberal cities they’re burning. So let em.

  18. These pastors should organize their services inside a walmart.

    Also, the PEOPLE shall have the final word, and that word is backed up by the tip of a gun

  19. @Anonymous May 30, 2020 at 9:06 pm

    > Roberts is probably being extorted just like boehner was.

    Oh, yeah! Fer sures!

    Because. You know. With a quarter… of a… billion… people. To choose from. It’s always gonna be a plan. To find one honest lawyer. In a-quarter-of-a-billion people. Give him a throne. For life. And then! And only then! Find a way. Some singular, evil way. To corrupt him. Forever!

    Instead of. Oh. I don’t know. Just finding a corrupt lawyer. Just one (more) corrupt lawyer. In a quarter… of a… billion… people.

    That. That. Would be madness!

  20. The sad part (and I mean the TRULY sad part) of this is that it is now abundantly clear that there is NO legal recourse to the abuses we’re subjected.

    If the Court is incapable of decoding “… or prohibiting the free exercise thereof …” then they are worse than useless; they are treasonous.

    When citizens have no legal recourse, they have only force – as is being exhibited by the mobs in the various cities over their mistaken hysteria over the death of Mr. Floyd.

    Churches (Christian churches, at any rate) should open regardless of the strictures imposed by anti-Christian politicians – they should meet in the catacombs – in their homes – in parks – in the streets.

    But our churches hire legal beagles and send them out yipping – what would the Apostles think?

    izlamo delenda est …


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