AG Barr Responds to Media Lies About D.C. Riots and Trump’s ‘Demand’ to Send in Troops – IOTW Report

AG Barr Responds to Media Lies About D.C. Riots and Trump’s ‘Demand’ to Send in Troops

Townhall: Wiliam Barr gave an interview to Margaret Brennan on CBS’ “Face the Nation” on Sunday in which the attorney general corrected a lot of false reporting about President Trump’s response to the widespread violence and crime that has plagued American cities. 

Brennan began with a CBS report that said President Trump was demanding 10,000 active-duty troops be ordered into American streets. 

“That is completely false,” Barr responded. 

The attorney general said a D.C. official told him that Sunday night was the worst violence the nation’s capital has seen in 30 years, something Barr said “the media has not done a very good job at covering.” 

Barr said that he, along with Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and others involved in the decision-making process, all agreed troops should be deployed only as a last resort. For that reason, troops were put on standby in case other agencies became overwhelmed by the violence. 

“I think everyone was on the same page,” Barr recalled. 

If Trump, as commander-in-chief of the military demanded troops be sent into cities, as CBS reported, they would be there.

“I think the reporting is completely false on this,” Barr concluded.  more

13 Comments on AG Barr Responds to Media Lies About D.C. Riots and Trump’s ‘Demand’ to Send in Troops

  1. CBS reporting couldn’t have been wrong, they always report accurately and fairly. Obviously, Barr is lying. Who are you going to believe? The truthful press or your lying eyes?

  2. Brennan came back again and again at Barr with variants of the same initial question and wording it in such a way as to make it a foregone conclusion the president’s first inclination was to deploy the 82nd. I wish Barr had picked up on that and quashed the assertion.

    Then CBS made a point of “standing by” their reporting that Esper was adamantly opposed to the president’s wishes. IOW, they wanted to make a liar of Barr.

    Brennan’s interview style was combative and interrogative as though she was cross examining Geobels at Nuremberg.

  3. Mix some Adamsite with the CS Tear Gas and watch these commie POSs puke their guts up for 12 hours. No need for the National Guard, just some fire hoses to wash down the mess.

  4. I watched this yesterday and forwarded the full interview to everyone I know who thinks Attorney General William Barr needs to be replaced because he hasn’t announced plans to indict Osmidgen and Obiden and everyone connected to the Russian Collusion Hoax. Watching Attorney General Barr manhandle the Main Stream Dementiacrat Press every time they try to trip him up is such a pleasure. Attorney General Barr is doing a very professional job navigating between Trump’s sworn enemies and Trump’s most ardent supporters while he accomplishes his goals. The investigations into the Russian Collusion Hoax and cleaning out the Obammy holdovers is not something that can be accomplished without following the proper procedures if it’s going to succeed.

  5. AA…Brennan needs a good comeuppance. I saw a graphic that said we need to shut down the media for 30 days and 90% of our problems would go away. So true.
    B_B When somebody says “I think” that is a weak response. He should have been more forceful and said “I know.” (not that anon)

  6. An attack on the President of The United States is an attack on the United States. If the attackers are citizens, they become domestic enemies. Shoot them on sight.


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