And Then Healthcare Workers Started Cheering Protesters… – IOTW Report

And Then Healthcare Workers Started Cheering Protesters…

The Surest Sign We Were Conned.

13 Comments on And Then Healthcare Workers Started Cheering Protesters…

  1. Of course they did. If you are a hospital or medical clinic, you are forced to hire lots of minorities, regardless of qualifications, or face the wrath of the government.

  2. I’m so glad that the Covid virus has gone away and allowed these essential employees to now enjoy some free time to go protest, maybe get in some looting, a little arson, and just unwind.

  3. “We were conned”… my ass.

    I don’t accept the usage of the “royal we” as applicable to JDHasty ever. Period. Full stop.

    Speak for yourself, and leave me out of any royal we assemblage.

    I haven’t watched the vid yet.

  4. “Be sure to point this out to your doctor next time you see him”.

    I already have. I pointed out that as a medical professional he should know that a paper mask won’t stop a virus anymore than a chain link fence would stop a mosquito.
    He agreed.

  5. …y’know, I spent a decent chunk of my youth around heath care and have been unavoidably in contact with it since, and I can’t help but notice it’s grown FAR more cowardly since the AIDS days than I ever would have thought possible.

    AIDS itself is better understood now, but when it first debuted, believe ME the media wanted to deflect from or completely ignore it’s behavioral origins (because they even THEN approved of homosexuality and drug taking), and instead wanted to create this illusion that EVERYBODY was gonna get it, it waa lurking on your plate at the restaurant, the doorknob, and certainly in that public restroom. Some of this was out of ignorace, true, but much of it was calculated to make it EVERYONES issue so the Reagan Administration would be FORCED to prioritize it.

    And it WORKED, setting the stage for modern biopolitics, but that is not my point today.

    The point is that they had scared EVERYONE, health care workers INCLUDED, into believing their was painful, embarassing, incurable death in every stray human fluid they were exposed to every day…and it didn’t matter.

    Other than being extra careful about things they were doing ANYWAY, like GLOVES, everyone continued to do their jobs. No shutdown, no diversions, no crying about people with risky behavior trying to kill us..just
    ..after all, you didn’t HAVE to work in healthcare (we called it “Hospital Work” in my day) if you were THAT scared of it, it was the Reagan years and there were lots of OTHER things you could do…

    …come forwards a few decades and they’ve turned hospitals into places of fear and cowardice. Masks everywhere. Spouses locked outside. Patients treated like lepers except the alms were for the physicians instead of the stricken. Karens at every door to enforce the fear. Doctors trying to do “no touch” exams from across the room, even over the Internet because they are so scared. Surgical floors cleared out for theoretical hordes of highly infectious patients that never existed, and those few that DID exist shuffled off to high-kill nursing homes before the ink was dry on the hospital admissions.


    Not saying there’s no risk. LIFE is risk, and dealing with sick people a HIGH risk.

    Just saying, again, if it scares you THAT bad, go do something ELSE. Healthcare IS dealing with sick people. Would you join the Marines if you had an obsessive fear of being shot, the Navy if you were afraid to drown, the Air Force if you had a phobia about plane crashes, or the Army if you shared Anakin Skywalker’s hatred of sand?



    …seen through that lens, its easy to see this instant capitulation of health care workers to the mob outside for what it IS.

    An extension of that cowardice.

    These folks have seen enough GSWs, stab wounds, bashed heads, beatings, and deliberate cars run over folks to know better than to think the problem lies with POLICE. Five minutes in an ER doing anything but trying to score some painkillers is enough to show you THAT. I guarantee these hypocrites would scream to high heaven and hospital unions if someone took the ER cops away. Many big-city hospitals even have their OWN police forces, and these “Health care” workers ain’t wanting to disband THEM.

    …no, they simply hope that if they virtue signal HARD enough, the mob will eat them LAST. That if they kneel at their passing, they WILL pass. That the Angel of Death will accept their BLM statement smeared on the door posts and lintels.

    And, leave us not forget, so that their ultra-liberal hospital administrators will let them keep their jobs.

    …I could go much further and much deeper into this shift into fear the hospitals have made over the decades, much of it happening BEFORE Corona, but that’s a different subject for another day.

    Suffice to say the modern hospital, out of fear, will bow with the wind regardless of from whence it blows.

    And due to Democrat mayors, the prevailing wind blows from Soros and his BLM brownshirts.

    This was NEVER about George Floyd.

    This was ALWAYS about control. No more, and no less.

    …and these hospital workers may as well start lining up.for their forehead tattoos, and WOULD if you told them three 6s a day keeps the Urban Boogaloo away…

    I am thoroghly disgusted by all this. Kneel if YOU want, prostrate to the mob, lick their feet as you will.

    You’ll only die on your knees.

    As for me, I’ll be standing when the storm hits, in the firing position.

    But don’t expect ME to defend YOU, when you won’t defend YOURSELF.

    You’re not worth it.

    By your OWN admission…


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