Postal Service revenues jump during pandemic, despite warnings of massive losses, insolvency – IOTW Report

Postal Service revenues jump during pandemic, despite warnings of massive losses, insolvency

After pleading for $25 billion from Congress to cover projected coronavirus losses, USPS sees revenues during pandemic jump $330 billion over same period last year.

15 Comments on Postal Service revenues jump during pandemic, despite warnings of massive losses, insolvency

  1. Better keep an eye on story in Seattle. Antifa has set up an autonamous zone in the city where no cops are allowed. Antifa has put armed guards around the zone to guard it. The mayor is making concessions. LOL

    If this was a white nationalist group that took over a part of the city and set up an autonomous zone, they’d have the 82nd airborne in there cleaning house.

    I’m getting a little tired of this black ass privilege.

  2. don’t know how their revenues jumped when they are paying massive amounts of OT pay to deliver Scramazon packages @ below other carrier rates, on Saturday & Sunday

    my local mail carrier delivers packages all morning long & then returns to the PO to pick up residential mail … now, if I get my mail before 5:00 PM I know it’s a slow package day

  3. I have had a Mother’s Day cheesecake spoil while it bounced around unrefrigerated for 6 days, so I had to call Mom warning her to not eat it.

    I’ve had several other shipments not arrive at all. Books, motorized crocodile head radio controlled boat for friends new pool, not arrive at all.

    Quite frankly, USPS should have died in a government nursing home 30 years ago.

  4. Tonight in Virginia we went to a deli to get subs to eat inside the establishment. Clerk said she couldn’t do this basic service or that. We’re in phase two of Ralph Coonman Blackface Northam’s reopening.

    After server’s lengthy explanation about all of the limitations I replied, “so I guess I won’t be getting a big sloppy wet kiss from you tonight.”

    Her response was, and I died laughing, “That’s Phase three.”

  5. Post office is the Democrat’s they want an all mail in ballot to cheat 50 ways to the put decrepit mind numb Biden in office. All you need to know other than they belong to the biggest dem union in the nation. Harvesting nah!

  6. $330 Million. With an M. Not Billion. That would be insane.

    It’s misstated in the subheadline, correctly stated in the article.

    Regardless – sell the damn thing to Amazon and it will both work better and become profitable.

  7. Dammit! If USPS went out of business, the 650 million ballots the dems are going to blast out wouldn’t be delivered.

    Another government union trying to feed at the trough. Hopefully when DJT is re-elected and the “kind of republicans” re-gain the house, they will pass a law outlawing public unions.

    You effers want to defund the police? We’ll defund your whole financial plan for existing. Guess who wins?


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