Day 2 of Seattle’s Auotnomous Zone (Free of Police) is Out of Food – lolololol – IOTW Report

Day 2 of Seattle’s Auotnomous Zone (Free of Police) is Out of Food – lolololol

A group of shitstains, led by some gender-confused something or other, set out to prove that the denizens of Seattle don’t need no stinkin’ police. So they set up an encampment.

The homeless took all the food.

SEND SOY!!!!!!


These people are friggin loser morons. Everything they do requires handouts and the silence of people who know better in order to spare their feelings.

84 Comments on Day 2 of Seattle’s Auotnomous Zone (Free of Police) is Out of Food – lolololol

  1. Back in the day, it was said that it takes seven logistics/support/supply troops to support one combat soldier. Food, hygiene, transport, supplies, etc. are crucial in sustaining a campaign. BTW, General U.S. Grant was actually a logistics expert during the Mexican wars and understood the need of troop support.

    These assholes don’t have a clue and never will.

  2. And the Immutable Law of Unintended Consequences comes into play.
    The homeless took all the food (what little there might have been).
    Who, with more than one brain cell to rub together, could not have seen this coming from a mile away?
    Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

  3. Starve them out. Nothing goes in and nothing comes out until they are willing to surrender peacefully. But I doubt that will happen. And I really don’t give a damn about these idiot protestors, they deserve their fate if they don’t give up.

  4. So they don’t want to be part of the USA but they do still want the USA to feed, educate, and cater to their every demand no matter how ludicrous. Fantasy camp for spoiled liberal brats.

  5. …vegan meat substitutes, fruits, oats, soy products, etc…

    One could have a little fun setting up outside their perimeter with a big slingshot, lobbing in bags of pork rinds.

    (And fruits? What, they don’t already have enough fruits?)

  6. Well, since they’re all in one place, why not take them out? I don’t really care ‘how’ it’s accomplished. As for them being hungry, tough shit. Anyone caught providing food (other than shit sandwiches without bread) should be arrested for aiding and abetting the enemy.

  7. “Thank you for calling Dominos. How may I help you?”

    ……”Ya, I’m down here at the anti-capitalist/anti-corporate fascism compound. I’d like a large hand-tossed with extra cheese, and a 2-liter of Coke, for delivery please.”

  8. Does anyone remember the TV Show “Gotham”, remember what Gotham and the people who lived in the ruins?? I always thought all of those creepy people were actors from Seattle. Also remember the show “Grimm”?? That show was based in Seattle too. Lots of FREAKS!!

  9. Um, I hate to be a bitch about it, but send tweezers. Unibrow on that woman/man/thing that uses that avatar shows that zhe/zhe/xhing reveals much self loathing.

    And isn’t it funny that the first thing the open borders crowd does…is build a border?

  10. Uncle Al JUNE 10, 2020 AT 3:54 PM

    “One could have a little fun setting up outside their perimeter with a big slingshot”

    Sling shot some peanut m&ms one at a time

    or walnuts, one at a time

    or get a cannon or some high ground and toss them frozen turkeys ala WKRP

  11. Its Twitter feed is blocked to outsiders like me but here’s its profile: “18, she/they lesbian anarchist. abolish whiteness, capitalism, and civilization.”

    Why don’t all of these avenging angels who want to abolish whiteness set the ultimate example by starting with themselves?

  12. Cmn¢¢guy JUNE 10, 2020 AT 4:01 PM
    I’m sure China would take them, just a short boat ride. And they have room in their dissident camps.

    Ghost cities. China has a bunch. Great idea!

  13. Brad just listened to some of their demands,and they do want to disarm the cops no guns,batons or mace on them at all.
    Also yes there are stores in the area and a liquor store right across the street.
    We are about 15 to 20 minutes away by car nothing to loot here but houses.
    They have been trying to light houses flying the flag on fire.
    They are really crazy bunch,they are trying to charge people that live or work in their new country money to get in. And the armed guys are asking for ID to enter,the cops just said to call 911. Right. Some one might get shot soon we have a lot of CC in the city.

  14. Wow, guess they can’t live on socialist idealogical vegan pipe dreams. Their commie educators indoctrination didn’t include survival skills. LOL!!! Popcorn time!
    Just like bratty children, destroying everything around them and expecting mommy and daddy to replace it all.
    Hope they suffer, greatly the consequences of their actions.

  15. They may resort to cannibalism, and if they should choose to dine on the fat ones, here’s a tip.
    Cook them on a grill. They will cook best that way – because grilling burns off the fat and also saves on fuel.

  16. Surround them with Federal troops to prevent any of them leaving. Let ’em simmer for a few weeks then wisk the ringleaders off to an all expense paid vacation at Gitmo.

  17. Holy cow! They invited the homeless trash right into their “home”?!! Object lesson number uno! They’re finally going to get an up close and personal lesson from the hard core Occupy-ers who really have NOTHING to lose! They want to take lessons from the masters of lawlessness? Well, they couldn’t have picked a better bunch. These guys steal anything that is not — literally — nailed down; porch pirates have got nothing on Seattle’s so-called homeless. These guys hit the local Fred Meyer every single day and boost an average of $15,000.00 PER DAY from them just one store!

    So glad these pampered losers with their $800. iPhones and electric scooters hosted Seattle’s “homeless” drug addicts and sociopaths. It will be a party they won’t soon forget.

    Love it!

  18. They want vegan? Send them pork (except the bacon) and see how fast they decide meat is OK to eat.

    I detect shades of elitism in the post. Why is he/she/it blaming the homeless, doesn’t he/she/it care?

  19. CNN has zilch on this story of what the skanks are doing in Seattle…it must go against, in some way, the narrative they are trying to push, or, it is just too embarrassing for them to cover.

  20. has suspended comments. The Oregonian recently did likewise. The Seattle Times suspends them any time their narrative is getting it’s ass exposed as a fraud in the comments section.

    What this tells me is that the left is losing the propaganda war. Not only losing, but getting their asses handed to them.

  21. …forgot to add:

    The conversation between the “Autonomous Zone” puppy and one the “Homeless”:

    AZ: “You can’t just come and take all our food. That’s supposed to be for all of us.” subtext: “See, we’re in charge here and you have to respect our rules.”

    Homeless: “I didn’t steal your damn food! Nice phone.”

    AZ: “Yeah, it’s a cool phone.”

    Homeless: “Nice backpack.”

    AZ: “Yeah, it’s a nice one. My mom gave it to me for Christmas.”

    Homeless: “I didn’t take your food.”

    AZ: “Okay. I must have confused you with those others. I’m sorry for judging. My bad.”

    (a few hours later)

    AZ: “Hey! I left my pack sitting right here!! Where’s my scooter?! Thank God I put my phone….hey! Where’s my phone?!”

    Homeless: “I didn’t take your damn stuff!”

  22. …a little history in famine during besiegement would have done these kids good, past is prologue in the human condition, or “COMING ATTRACTIONS” for the slow kids in Seattle…

    “but the seditious every where came upon them immediately, and snatched away from them what they had gotten from others; for when they saw any house shut up, this was to them a signal that the people within had gotten some food; whereupon they broke open the doors, and ran in, and took pieces of what they were eating almost up out of their very throats, and this by force: the old men, who held their food fast, were beaten; and if the women hid what they had within their hands, their hair was torn for so doing; nor was there any commiseration shown either to the aged or to the infants, but they lifted up children from the ground as they hung upon the morsels they had gotten, and shook them down upon the floor. But still they were more barbarously cruel to those that had prevented their coming in, and had actually swallowed down what they were going to seize upon, as if they had been unjustly defrauded of their right. They also invented terrible methods of torments to discover where any food was, and they were these to stop up the passages of the privy parts of the miserable wretches, and to drive sharp stakes up their fundaments; and a man was forced to bear what it is terrible even to hear, in order to make him confess that he had but one loaf of bread, or that he might discover a handful of barley-meal that was concealed; and this was done when these tormentors were not themselves hungry; for the thing had been less barbarous had necessity forced them to it; but this was done to keep their madness in exercise, and as making preparation of provisions for themselves for the following days.”
    -Flavius Josephus, “The Wars of the Jews”, Book V, ch.10

  23. haahaaa! I just can’t stop laughing at them!

    ..trying to domesticate lunatic “homeless” outlaws!

    You couldn’t get me within 20 feet of one of them. Crazy for them is just an attitude. Many of them would just as soon kill you for no reason at all than look at you.

    “Boohoohoo, you ate all our organic vegan food and drank all our vitamin-infused, flavored, filtered water!”

    Too funny!!

  24. They are now going door to door demanding 500 dollars cash or 500 bitcoin from all the businesses in their control. Confirmed by at least 3 business owners on C.Hill.
    Again the chief of police says call 911, the cops abandoned the place at her orders an now she wants them to go back in and mix it up with them with out the full support of her and the leaders of the city.
    I think they have told her to F. off.

    They won’t go back with out a real show of force,and kick them all out.
    She will not let them do that she is black.

  25. Damn, forgot Chef had such a pimp ride…. but with sunny weather on us I figured I’d work on my tan while randomly discharging automatic weapons.

    I already have a Captains hat and aviator shades.

  26. “That’s news to me,” Gov. Inslee said when reporters asked him about the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone on Wednesday during his news conference. (From a story on MyNorthwest with it’s disabled comment section 😡)

    Meanwhile, in his press conferences he prattles on about Covid19 testing, masks and getting enough PPE. Dude, that ship has sailed. The next crisis is right here in your backyard.

  27. Will these revolutionaries all get participation trophy and a juice box? That’s what they’re used to. Every fucking day they have been alive.

    Liberal parenting built that.

  28. @Geoff There are indications that AntiFA is going to target the West Precinct next. (I think I read that from Andy Ngo on Twitter). The West Precinct houses the 911 Call Center.

    Good grief.

  29. @Geoff C. The Saltine “They are now going door to door demanding 500 dollars cash or 500 bitcoin from all the businesses in their control.”

    that used to be called extortion.
    they’ll show us what good little fascists they are.

  30. They have been demandingID to enter. Funny that they are exercising mor bordercontrol than they want the US to use.

    If I lived around there and I had a gun, I would post a flag — or as many as I could get my hands on. If anyone approached my house looking like they were going to do harm, I would shoot them. If I was put on trial I would argue that these people stated that they were not from the United States and that they were conducting military actions against the United States, making them enemy combatants.

  31. Five Summer Sunner Strummers

    Thank you for you kind attentions. Unfortunately I am currently making bacon and cannot come to the computer screen right now. But I assure you each and every comment directed at Burrco.LLC is cherished and…HOLY CRAP BACON SPATTER

    Sincerely yours,

    Aaron Burr, etc etc

    Dictated but not read. 10 June 2020

    Pranjit Swalmisha. Official Secretary to Lord Burr.

  32. Great info, Bad_Brad. Conservatives need to understand the sophisticated tactics used by the left. Reminds me of the communist organizations of 35+ years ago when I was a radical. Not much has changed. The obvious difference was the use of radio/walkie-talkie instead mobile phones back in the day.

  33. Agreed, Cmn¢¢guy. LOL! Now those socialist pipe dreams have gone up in smoke like puffs of unicorn farts.
    Elite thugs have locked themselves in a dark, cement building, surrounded by fellow crybaby travelers complaining about lack of food, comfort and poor sanitation. Eventually, they will discover, “Fort BLM” is completely unsustainable.

  34. Illustr8r — I’m pretty sure these guys don’t want to mess with the West precinct. It does cover downtown Seattle, but also Magnolia, Queen Anne and parts of Ballard — all places with large “old” Seattle sentiments (i.e. Conservatives/Republicans) and the West is populated by a lot of Conservative/Repub police who don’t ride around on poncy bicycles in their spandex. Sorta old-fashioned police guys. At least the northern beat cops would probably break with Herzoner and there wouldn’t be much knee bending in that group.

    And QA and Magnolia are expensive neighborhoods with a lot of homeowners (versus renters, like Capitol Hill), who will no doubt defend home and hearth themselves.l

    We’ll see. I have no sympathy for small business (or big) who are finding out that all their cheap virtue-signalling is not panning out for them. Fly the Occupy and BLM flags, win no prizes. Sorry to say, I do hope a Starbucks gets overrun.

  35. Just a thought, obviously these soy people all have smartphones. They are asking for help over the internet. Cut service to that area & they will not have an inkling of what to do or how to do it. They will all return to their parents basements. Problem solved.

  36. Bring in the Psy-Ops guys with their stereos
    Have them play the albums of Perry Como, Starland Electrical Band, Megadeath and the Olympic Sideburns, with tangents of Captain and Tenielle, and Lou Rawls an Jim Nabors. Then send a Private down to a thrift store to clean out their records in the hopes of finding Spooky Tooth
    Then once an hour a drone buzzes the area spraying honey water.
    When the place is thick with flies turn loose a couple thousand pigeons to eat the flies


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