President Trump: Confederate-Named Bases Not To Be Tampered With – IOTW Report

President Trump: Confederate-Named Bases Not To Be Tampered With

OAN: President Trump recently announced he will not rename the military bases named after confederate generals. In a series of tweets, he rejected the latest calls to rename bases such as Fort Lee, Fort Hood and others.

The president emphasized he’s not even considering renaming those bases. He stressed America’s history of victory and freedom has inspired generations of servicemen and women, who went on to win two world wars.

17 Comments on President Trump: Confederate-Named Bases Not To Be Tampered With

  1. The leftists who equate the Confederacy with fascism have not educated themselves. The practice of slavery was an economic system that was replaced by free labor. Nazism was at its heart a social and racial system.

    From that, I conclude that Confederate statues should remain. The vast majority of southerners have lived peacefully in the Union since 1865. Leave their statues alone.

    The difference is that the Confederacy had no program to eliminate an entire race of undesirable people to my knowledge. We all know that the extermination of entire races was a cornerstone of Nazi thought and practice.

  2. darnit. I thought we would have a Fort Da Hood.

    The least Trump could do is change the Bureau of Land Management to Black Lives Matter – it’s the same initials! A real money saver.

  3. Now in 20 20 hindsight we can righteously judge events that happened 400, 300, 200, and 100, years ago and deem them to be , according to our current standards, wrong and which need to be addressed here and now! I totally agree, based on my current ‘WOKE’ state, that slavery was a terrible wrong perpetrated by those who bought slaves and by those who sold slaves! Accordingly, we now need to make up for the drastic mistakes made by our past predecessors when they did not repatriate all black people either before the civil war or after the civil war. We can now right that heinous wrong by developing both a policy and plan to immediately repatriate all black people back to their native countries. It is only fair, just and the right thing to do! Hopefully this righteous act will fully eliminate the scourge of Racism from both this country and the world forever~

  4. So when are these pissants going to want to change the name of Sherman Avenue running thru downtown Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho just because it was named after William Tecumseh Sherman? Fort Sherman hasn’t been in effect since the late 1800’s, it’s now the site of North Idaho College on the banks of beautiful CDA Lake.

  5. @ #Repatriate — already tried. Monrovia. Under president Monroe.

    And what did the repatriated black do there? They enslaved other blacks. Naturally, Howard Zinn struck that from from his Young Scholars Book of American History.

    Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.”

  6. And what the hell is this?! Gen. Milly going around telling the press that he’s sorry he made the walk with Trump to the church and Lafayette park! Said he had “no business” doing it.

    Fire his keester!! Now!!

  7. “…and those who control the past, control the future”. George Orwell.

    Let’s see now,…we tear down statues, burn history books, censure news not to our liking, etc…then fill it with our statues, history, opinion, etc. and…after another generation…Shazam!

  8. pianamusic,

    Strike a chord
    Bang a gong

    Did we not see that on video tape from somewhere in the middle east about 5 or 6 years ago. With sledgehammers and stuff.

    If I recall, John Stewert and the daily 30 rock center or whatever it was called, played clips of it and laughed at the scene.

    Remember that?

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