FLASHBACK: Joe Biden’s Response To The Rodney King Beating Was Calling For Less Police Accountability – IOTW Report

FLASHBACK: Joe Biden’s Response To The Rodney King Beating Was Calling For Less Police Accountability

PJ Media: Joe Biden has certainly exploited the death of George Floyd to help his campaign. He gave a speech at Floyd’s funeral service, essentially turning it into a campaign appearance. He’s also calling for more accountability for police officers accused of misconduct, and for changes to the tactics they use.

But, Joe Biden wasn’t always a proponent of police accountability. For years in the Senate, CNN noted, Biden “was one of the chief proponents of a Police Officer’s Bill of Rights measure” which critics believed “would have made all departmental misconduct allegations more difficult to investigate.” The measure was supported by the unions, but “faced sharp opposition from the nation’s police chiefs, including the National Association of Police Chiefs, the National Sheriffs’ Association and the International Association of Chiefs of Police. It also received condemnation from municipal organizations such as the National League of Cities and The United States Conference of Mayors.” read more

8 Comments on FLASHBACK: Joe Biden’s Response To The Rodney King Beating Was Calling For Less Police Accountability

  1. No…..PJ Media….

    Creepy Uncle Joe didn’t give a speech at George Floyd’s funeral…..

    A video of a speech by Creepy Uncle Joe was shown at George Floyd’s funeral.

  2. Uncle Joe is just a standard issue politician, D or R. He just has a little more experience (40+ years) of spouting (trying to anyway) whatever the group he’s in front of (he thinks) wants to hear.

  3. There could be footage of Biden and Robert Byrd lynching a black man in the 1960’s and the democrats and the uninformed plantation blacks would still vote for him.


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