Police response times triple in Seattle’s ‘autonomous zone’ – IOTW Report

Police response times triple in Seattle’s ‘autonomous zone’

Wash Exam: Seattle residents near the area that has been occupied by protesters have had to wait 3 times as long for an officer to arrive during an emergency since the “autonomous zone” formed.

Response times in the area normally served by Seattle’s East Precinct have more than tripled since protesters established a six-block area of the city to establish the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone,” of CHAZ. Before the occupation, officers typically took just over five minutes to respond to a 911 call, but now the average response time is more than 18 minutes, according to police Chief Carmen Best.

Secondary calls to officers about nonemergency issues now take more than an hour to receive a response. Best told KOMO News that the delay could leave residents without help in dangerous circumstances.

“There are people’s lives who are affected,” Best said. “Emergency calls, which often means somebody’s being assaulted, sometimes it’s a rape, sometimes it’s a robbery, but something bad is happening if it’s a top priority call, and we’re not able to get there.” more here

23 Comments on Police response times triple in Seattle’s ‘autonomous zone’

  1. It’s going to take a few super-rich people to get into Mayor durkan’s face before she does anything.

    I know all the lib city C.O.Police and mayors aren’t women, but a lot of them are, in the trouble spots. I think it’s a big mistake voting women into local office nowadays. They have had every opportunity to prove me wrong, but so far they’re not.

  2. Why respond at all? That response is just the bitch in me, but still the people who keep their mouth shut, about this are too stoopid to care about.

  3. Let’s just rename the city to CHAZ and be done with it.

    Otherwise, other cities will get CHAZed and they won’t be too jazzed about it.

    *ba da JAZZ CHAZ*

  4. Good thing they have set up their own medical stations and have armed thugs with guns and bats. And I’m sure an ambulance isn’t getting in should some tax payer have a heart attack during their daily extortion stopover. That was the big complaint over bridge gate in NJ. Doesn’t matter, these are the peaceful summer of love folks with such good intentions! And they vote dem when they figure out if the figure out how much postage to put on an envelope or that they even need postage.

  5. Isn’t that how autonomous is defined?

    All these parasites list their demands/wants/expectations and someone else has to answer?
    Anything I want done, I make sure I can do myself, or hire someone to do. But there goes my white supremacist, Christian ethic, privileged as-all-get-out self.
    As far as their expectations of “respect”… just LOL.

  6. MJA I think women could make good mayors and COPs. It’s just that the good ones are conservative and conservative women get destroyed.

    We watch Wheel of Fortune, but I cringe at all the black women contestants who work for the government.

  7. You done declared yourselves an independent nation.
    Why would you call a foreign power to deal with your internal issues?
    You all are the geniuses. Why not use your superior brainpower to resolve this on your own?

    Btw, are your mommies smuggling in your vegan sustenances?

  8. A little birdie just told me that the good citizens of CHAZ are now trying to grow their own food. They threw down some cardboard over asphalt and then threw some dirt on top of the cardboard and they planted…wait for it….tomatoes!

    Just way, way, way! too many things to say about trying to grow tomatoes in Seattle. Mostly you need a pretty nice greenhouse or at least a cold frame.

    These guys (and gals) are playing house on Capitol Hill. That’s all they’re doing up there. Playing house. I wonder how long it will take before the wimmen (especially the lesbians among them) steal their guns and demand equal rights. Gangsta!!

    Tomatoes. I guess they plan on being there ’til hell freezes over. Too funny.

    This weekend’s forecast calls for rain and more rain. Can’t dry anything out if it doesn’t stop raining. What a bummer.

  9. Why respond? Let them HAVE their county…

    …one time during my squad training, we went to this weirdly isolated place on the fringe of the city that had signs of varying size and friendliness along the lines of US GOVT, KEEP OUT, AREA UNDER SURVELLANCE, PHOTOGRAPHY EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN, and more ominously, USE OF DEADLY FORCE IS AUTHORIZED. We got to see the front gate and the grim, armed fellow in the attached booth and told, “This is as far as you EVER go. If you are called here, you do NOT pass this gate under ANY circumstances. Any patients will be brought to you, and you leave IMMEDIATELY. You are NOT to aak questions about mechanisms of injuries, and you will NOT disclose anything you see or do.
    They will do their OWN rescues and fight their OWN fires, and no City apparatus is permitted to assist. That is all.”

    And that WAS all. No one would say another thing about it.

    …that’s how the CHAZ should be treated. I’m not driving my unit out of the United States. I’m not licensed by the Peoples Republic of CHAZ. You bring it to me in the United States and I’ll take it from there. Until then, it’s your problem. Cops, fire, EMS, all should do the same, with NO non-emergency services AT ALL like road maintenance, hydrants, garbage collection, or retaining wall repairs allowed.

    That is all.

    Let us know when you’re ready to surrender, until then, consider this as a lesson in what ‘Autonomous’ REALLY means…

  10. Something’s not right about this story. I think it’s a fib.

    The Seattle police from that precinct should be in their cruisers up on Capitol Hill, not sitting in a precinct house, anyway. Nothing stopping them from doing what they normally do every day.

    The Mayor and that affirmative action hire of a police chief are lying, trying to foment public reaction to combat CHAZ because they lack the spine to confront them themselves.

  11. Unless I was absolutely locked in to get my retirement in a few years, if I were foolish enough to still be a cop in that shithole of a city after all the crap coming down on cops there, I would be ashamed of myself.
    Look and see the writing on the wall guys.
    Staying there is a dangerous, dead-end waste of time and your lives.


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