“Warlord” Raz Said Some Pretty Homophobic Stuff On Twitter – IOTW Report

“Warlord” Raz Said Some Pretty Homophobic Stuff On Twitter

Red State

As we’ve previously reported, the Democrat/media-driven rush to “cancel” anyone who decides to think for themselves instead of participating in left-wing groupthink in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd is at a fever pitch, with professors, media figures, and pro-sports icons among those being tossed into the fire left and right.

But in an ironic twist of fate, a cancel notice may soon be coming for Raz Simone, the “warlord” of the radical Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) in Seattle, Washington as old homophobic tweets from his Twitter account have surfaced that appear to be legit based on various web archive websites More

14 Comments on “Warlord” Raz Said Some Pretty Homophobic Stuff On Twitter

  1. Oh, please quit with the stupid “-phobia/-phobic” crap. They are words created deliberately to make people think a certain way by left-collectivists wanting to normalize bad behavior including sexual deviancy.

    This jerk Raz evidently made a derogatory comment a long time ago about male homosexuals. There’s no hint that he’s morbidly afraid of them, he just doesn’t like them. BFD.

  2. This is off subject, but I don’t give a second’s thought of whatever this guy thinks he is.

    I have been thinking of the presumed power Kapernick the traitor of humanity thinks he has because he ‘invented’ “take a knee”.

    In football and other sports, I thought “take a knee” was The signal to gather in prayer.

    And don’t Christians ‘take a knee’ to pray, although we feel we can pray at any time, kneeling is Often the first thing to signal A time to speak with our maker.

    Even Muslims and other religions ‘take a knee’ when praying.

    Soooo, when the National Anthem plays, I wonder would happen if we all, (if we can still kneel) ‘take a knee’ in grateful prayer for our country? What better chance to say thank you, than during the National Anthem.

    My wonderfully wise father always said if you can’t beat them join them, but use your own standards to jerk the rug out from under them.

    Where would their ‘take the knee‘ stand if we ALL did it in prayer. Pray for them, for us, the country, the newest country, CHAZ, the world.

  3. The Police Chief of Miami , Who is Latino…Called Overtown

    “Shit Town” back in 97…He’s under fire from bl(a)m….

    Funny thing is, It’s still a Shit Town 23 Years later.

  4. One thing is for certain: no one in charge of this grade school bullshit is who they say they are. They are not there for the reasons they say they are. They do not want what they say they want. But it couldn’t happen in a more deserving place, so there’s that little ray of sunshine.

  5. @woody
    “How exactly does one apply for the job of “warlord?”

    Is there an interview involved?”

    As Mao Tse-tung said, political power comes from the barrel of a gun. (paraphrased)

  6. Application for Warlord consists of being the first person to show up with a loaded, snazzy, jazzy, Razamatazzy, assault rifle who thinks they can sing.

    It’s not rocket science.


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