Entire SWAT Team in Florida City Resigns in Response to Police Chief Kneeling with Black Lives Matter Protesters – IOTW Report

Entire SWAT Team in Florida City Resigns in Response to Police Chief Kneeling with Black Lives Matter Protesters


An entire SWAT team in Hallandale Beach, Florida resigned on Friday in response to Police Chief Sonia Quinones kneeling with Black Lives Matter protesters.

The police chief scheduled a meeting for Monday with the officers who resigned to hear their complaints.

In a memo, the SWAT officers said in addition to being under trained and minimally equipped, they were outraged to see the police chief kneeling with political activists.

“The team is minimally equipped, under trained and often times restrained by the politicization of our tactics to the extent of placing safety of dogs over the safety of the team members,” the officers wrote


ht/ mfm

18 Comments on Entire SWAT Team in Florida City Resigns in Response to Police Chief Kneeling with Black Lives Matter Protesters

  1. “SWAT officers said in addition to being under trained and minimally equipped”

    I admire their will to walk off the job. Under trained? Yes. LE suck at gun skills. Minimally equipped? I bet the have an RV. I mean an MRap.

  2. Again an affirmative action promotion, if you are black,female, hispanic or transgender, I’ll bet you are unqualified for your job in Police Admin. There are a very few exceptions.

  3. Perhaps the city fathers and mothers would prefer they recruit un-militarized cops who enforce the law (and crack heads) the old fashioned way: in a plain blue uniforms?

  4. ” they recruit un-militarized cops who enforce the law (and crack heads) the old fashioned way”

    Now you’re talken. Old fashion beat cops. Flat foots. They new the hood. They would on occasion tune a MoFo up. Probably straighten his life out for him. But they were part of the community. In my opinion, a lot more effective than what we have today.

  5. I’ve seen it time after time after time after time (10 more “times”), government-run agencies filling affirmative action quotas, placing sub-standard personnel in places where leadership, experience, and accumulative life lessons are essential and where lives are at stake. If it was some low-level DMV office, US Post Office, or some social welfare program, the damage is minimal but for police departments (like the military) you need the best qualified, not a token.

    ALL SWAT teams should resign unless they work for a red state mayor and a well qualified experienced chief, otherwise, it is not worth the extra pay, which is usually minimal anyway.

  6. @Bad_Brad – yeah, we both know the kind because we grew up with them. We knew that behind that cop’s smile, polite, direct demeanor and knowledge of the law, was someone unafraid to kick anyone’s ass. They were VERY confident and also good judges of character. They could size a person up with one glance. BTW, believe it or not, King County (Seattle’s county) still has a few of them left. But Seattle? Don’t think so.

  7. Some good will rise from all this chaos, like the abolition of No Knock Warrants, the use of choke-holds (if any agency is in fact still using them at all) and better training for the typical beat cop.

    I’ve mentioned before in other threads the prevalence of, “The Ferguson Effect”, stand by because we are going to see this magnified a hundredfold.

  8. Shovel you own shit boss, I’ma go home and protect my own family with my own gun especially if you are going to charge me for doing my job without proper support. Good on them.

  9. If you’re on a SWAT team you prolly got at least 10 on the force. You could sell those skills in Rural America for less money, but your cost of living goes way down. I’d bail from any city these days.
    Hell my small town in AZ is getting crowded at 3K

  10. Txn4Evr
    JUNE 13, 2020 AT 2:35 PM
    Again an affirmative action promotion, if you are black,female, hispanic or transgender, I’ll bet you are unqualified for your job in Police Admin. There are a very few exceptions.

    No, but ze/zir/ziplock hit the oppression olympics jackpot.

  11. All the cops should resign at once and with no notice. That should allow the Governor to declare a state of emergency in the town and county which should allow him to suspend the Mayor, the Police Chief and City Council and police the town with state cops or National Guard while calling for new elections. Hell, if the left/progs/racebaiters can stop on the Constitution then conservatives can temporarily tip-toe on it to save the country.

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