CNN Chyron Looks Ridiculously Silly – IOTW Report

CNN Chyron Looks Ridiculously Silly

They ask a question while posting stats about Covid-19.

The juxtaposition is tragically hilarious.

ht/ Mrs. Quinn

18 Comments on CNN Chyron Looks Ridiculously Silly

  1. “I’m almost 63 and I guarantee I won’t be going to school this fall.”

    They probably won’t be able to get their reeducation camps open by then anyway.

  2. I’m shocked, shocked I tell you!!!

    I didn’t realize 8 out of every 10 people over the age of 60 died, which is approximately 73 million people (Statista, Resident population of the United States by sex and age as of July 1, 2018).

    Wow, the WuFlu really was worse than we expected.

  3. Something funny happened on the way to the forum.

    Just learned that at least one parish is opening a new home school program. It is a hybridized home school program. Several days in classes, other days with parents.

    Bet this isn’t the only new home schooling program to start up.

  4. “Everyone put their heads down on their tables! NOW!”

    I politely read the riot act to my boy’s grade school principal over that very statement being uttered by a “Lunch Patrol” teacher when several students were ‘disturbing the peace’ in the lunchroom.

    Are you teaching our kids that they are guilty for the bad behavior of their piers? Instead, shouldn’t you be handing out justice to the wrongdoers, thereby teaching everyone that crime will be punished? WTF is wrong with you? (Okay, I didn’t say that!)

    Do not teach guilt. By example, teach ‘right vs. wrong’ and the consequences of ‘wrong.’

  5. The stat means that 80% of the deaths were above 60.
    So the entire group could very well have been 85, which is above 60.
    See how you make stats do whatever you want them to do.
    They could have said 80% of the deaths were 2 and above.


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