Stephen Moore: Crystal clear differences between the left and the right – IOTW Report

Stephen Moore: Crystal clear differences between the left and the right

BPR: The crisis of the coronavirus-induced economic lockdown and now the violent protests in the streets have unleashed a depression-level financial crisis and unprecedented human suffering — especially in our inner cities. These events have also exposed a Grand Canyon-sized chasm that now separates how the left and the right see America today. To wit:

No. 1: The right believes that stay-at-home orders and social distancing requirements are counterproductive and should be repealed safely and immediately. The left believes that those orders must stay in place but should only apply to those on the right, not to liberal protesters.

No. 2: The right engages in nonviolence. The left shows tacit support for mob violence.

No. 3: The right believes the best way to revive the economy is to incentivize a dormant workforce to get back on the job. The left believes that the best way to revive the economy is to pay people more money not to work than to work.

No. 4: When the right protests against injustice, such as 40 million people losing their jobs due to lockdowns, it is always during the light of day so they can be seen and heard. The left protests in the dark so people can’t see what crimes some of the protestors are committing.

No. 5: When the right attends rallies, they carry the American flag. When the left protests (and riots), the only American flags you see are burned. more here

11 Comments on Stephen Moore: Crystal clear differences between the left and the right

  1. All true.

    Now send this list to my liberal niece who says I am privileged because I get up and worked (reduced hours) while she smoked weed and collected COVID-1984 benefits.

  2. Couldn’t disagree more.

    The left has locked us down and the republican party has done nothing.

    The left has cheered on rioting and looting and the republican party has done nothing.

    The left attempted to eject Trump from office with a massive hoax and used the fbi, the cia and other intel agencies in this attempt. The republican party has done nothing.

    Anyone who thinks the republican party is going to save them from anything is nuts.

  3. “We might all be happier splitting the nation in two.”

    not for me!

    what would make me happy right now is getting rid of the malcontents who are destroying this great nation over false msm, race hustler, college professor and political talking points .

    and i wouldn’t mind investing in rope or bullets to do it myself.

    you want this nation to return to normal, constitutional government?

    get the politicians and police out of the way of the citizens and let the citizens do what needs to be done.

    these stupid protest riots would be over quickly.

  4. The Left and the right may be different in what they advocate and how they go about advocating it, but for the last 70 years I haven’t seen anything different in the direction the country is heading when either of them is running it.

    The just advocate taking different roads while the destination remains the same under both of them.

    Since both sides seem happy with it that way, maybe that’s the way it should be.

  5. Newsflash: self identified “progressives” get off on deliberate, gratuitous, systematic destruction.

    Study how the sin of envy manifests and you can begin to understand the direct progression from the Democrat Party Politics of Envy are playing out in what we have seen the last couple weeks. The Democrats have sold the proposition that envy is a virtue and weak minded pieces of shit have bought into it.

    The establishment Republicans are allied with the Democrats have played their part and are not innocent. Not by a long stretch. What the Republican establishment has been Selleck is the illusion that they are opposed to the Democrats. Nothing could be further from the truth. What they are opposed to is Constitutional conservatives and Constitutional conservatism in general.

    Progressives are progressives first, last and always. Once you learn this as an immutable fact you will no longer feel any sense of betrayal because you will no longer invest any trust in them.

    Totally discount anything you hear from the Republicans establishment and judge them on their performance and it becomes crystal clear how they fit into advancing the progressive agenda. There isn’t a one of them that is worth spit.

  6. The Republican establishment does not publicly identify as progressives, and they may not privately identify as progressives, but if you look at their record it is obvious where their sympathies lie.

    They are beneath contempt and deserve no respect from Constitutional conservatives.

    A good way to address their bullshit is to begin any response to their horse shit with: With all due respect…. none. That is not what you promised. Let me refresh your memory by pointing out that contrary to what you are telling us today, what you promised to do was….

  7. Illustr8r

    TParty late to the party. This has been going on for at least 60 years!
    60 years ago the brutal, violent liberals were,(just a few): SDS, SNCC, Weathermen, YIPPIES…

    When the Thug Mario Savio and his “Goon at the Gate” beat up America lovers the Press said, “PEACEFUL PROTESTS”, There was no net. So if you did not see the violence yourself you were unaware.
    I’m old. I was an undergrad when Savio and his thugs attacked America lovers.

    Liberals have been violent and destructive at lest since 1960! Maybe longer, I was in HS in’60.


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