The Media Must Be Torn Down and Rebuilt – IOTW Report

The Media Must Be Torn Down and Rebuilt

They are not providing news. They are providing indoctrination.

This system must be ripped apart and rebuilt.

I guess the only way to do that is to follow the BLM model that the media loves so much.

ht/ c. steven tucker

10 Comments on The Media Must Be Torn Down and Rebuilt

  1. We’ve got news saturation and it’s everywhere. Nobody takes time to do their own fact checks and the loudest most repetitive noise usually wins. That first amendment bites you in the ass sometimes.

  2. I can’t even watch local news anymore. It’s just lie after lie.

    Did you know that the Richmond protests (riots) have been mostly peaceful and those god awful statues are coming down anyway?

  3. It’s the Main Stream Dementiacrat Media. They are the Ministry of Propaganda. They are the equivalent of Pravda and Iskra for the Dementiacrat-Socialists-Reparations-Homosexualists-Free Stuffers Party. They are unAmerican and unbelievable. The only reason to watch or read them is to be aware of how dishonest they are, and to enjoy their befuddlement and bewilderment 141 days from now.


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