Rick Wilson’s Past Comes Back To Bite Him In the A** – IOTW Report

Rick Wilson’s Past Comes Back To Bite Him In the A**


Wilson’s social media presence appears to be littered with coolers stamped with the Confederate flag — this proving to be a helluva inconvenience for someone who often appears on left-wing MSNBC.

Caleb Hull, a prominent conservative figure, shared a now-deleted Instagram post from Wilson’s wife that featured a Confederate flag and the words: “The South Will Rise Again.” More

17 Comments on Rick Wilson’s Past Comes Back To Bite Him In the A**

  1. The fact that he will try to rationalize this shows how dumb he really thinks black people are.

    He is burying his feed in retweets and lunatic sexual innuendo posts since this broke. I tried to count how many in the last 2 days and couldn’t. He makes Trump’s posting frequency look like an mute introvert.

  2. This week has been interesting. A lot of democrats exposed( and or exposing themselves.), all of Biden’s possible Veep candidates are embroiled in controversy with race/police/personal crap, and leftmedia is taking it in the shorts.

  3. I wonder if he was in financial difficulties.

    I wonder if he went traitor to get paid.

    I wonder what he thinks about the word integrity.

    I wonder if he will get violent now that he’s been exposed.

    I wonder if anyone will even remember him once he’s gone.

  4. Rick Wilson applies the same meticulous care to his finances as he does to his personal hygiene. According to Dan Bongino he’s foul.
    He must smell like fermented smegma.

    Ahh, I think I just made myself sick.

  5. “Does he close his twitter account and start over?”
    No, he’s got his little army. Just type something negative about Mr. Magoo on his Twitter page and LFO. They crawl out of the wood work.


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