Cream of Wheat apparently ashamed that they have a black man on their product’s box – IOTW Report

Cream of Wheat apparently ashamed that they have a black man on their product’s box

“I say remove all black people from marketing imagery!”

Had I said that 60 years ago I’d be a racist icon. Today, somehow in leftyland, this makes me woke and progressive.

All I can say is LOLOLOL- the KKK has won, somehow. They don’t have to look at “no negroes’ on the supermarket shelves.

Wouldn’t it make more “woke sense” to put MORE black people on packaging?


46 Comments on Cream of Wheat apparently ashamed that they have a black man on their product’s box

  1. Frankly what little interaction I have with this culture I’m swimming in features far too many blacks. A couple of Valentines ago I was looking for a nice image to download and send to a friend and I swear 9 out of 10 pictures were black or mixed race couples. And the woman in those mixed race images was always white. yeah, better not show any black women with a white spouse.

    Just today a Twitter thread I was following had the Oklahoma Head Football coach essentially taking a knee after he was photographed wearing a fucking t shirt that offended some of his players. It seemed like every black OKU athlete chimed in on that thread telling everyone what a good boy Gundy was now that he made the obligatory groveling.

    People like Jamie Foxx get to say he liked acting in D’Jango because he got to kill all the white people. And the audience, mostly white!! clapped like fucking seals.

    I’m sick of it. Put a white guy on Cream of Wheat, I don’t give a shit.

  2. It’s the image of the negro as a domestic that drives the simpletons wild.>>>

    And it’s over a 100 years later and every domestic help worker sent to my mother’s is black.
    So is that bad? If so, how is taking the black cook off of a Cream of Wheat box helping?
    If it’s not bad, how is having a black cook on of a Cream of Wheat box hurting?

  3. BFH, just shows it would no longer be an issue if certain groups would leave it alone.
    Too much $$$ and power at stake for those groups to ever give it up.
    Does anyone even know what the logical (if that even applies) conclusion to all this is?

  4. “Shrimp N Grits” just became “Prawns & Polenta”…..’Chicken N Waffles” became “Poultry & Waffle de Belgium”….Jus’ don’t fuck with my shrimp etouffe….or my Gumbo, Steak au Poivre, chicken marsala etc….Now I’m hungry!…

  5. Would you buy a George Floyd neck brace, or a Rayshard Brooks taser? How about an American flag porch rug endorsed by Colin Kaepernick? Would you fly in a helicopter owned by a company promoted by Kobe Bryant? How many people are knocking on the door of the private investigators who are looking for the killers of Mrs. O.J. Simpson and Ron Goldman? Are you buying any of those books written by Dr. Cosby about the importance of a good marriage? Let’s face it folks, modern Black Colored People are never going to be famous friendly figures like Uncle Ben and Aunt Jemima.

  6. My exposure to Blacks has been moderate through life but until about 1979 favorable. Television also had a positive effect ..then, the Left, in charge of Media and thought changed it all. Seeing aunt j on syrup and the cream of wheat chef was pleasant , they and others were a part of our world…now , once erased, no more wise and tuneful uncle Remus, just images of Blacks burning down buildings, demanding reparations, speaking in a dialect centered on the verb, noun, preposition “Fuck”. Black people are being ruined by Leftist Democrats and I am sorry for this race…that is unless they get more power and do the bidding of the Left. My guess is that Conservatives do not think about race at all but take an opinion one individual at a time…Socialist ,however, are obsessed by race, hate Blacks but use them as tools to destroy civilization as a part of their empty nihilist lives..too bad conservatives will only see Blacks in the future rioting or propaganda picturing them as suffering under far right extermination,,,.

  7. In a few years they will complain about how White society has removed all signs of blackness from grocery shelves.

    On a related subject Mrs. RMM was watching a British detective drama the other day and the head of the division was a white male. Haven’t seen that in ages. He must turn out to be the bad guy.

  8. I never added an avatar (is that the right word?) to my posts because 1) I don’t know how to do it; and 2) I don’t know what to add. Now I’m pretty darn sure I want to be Aunt Jemima.

  9. Cynic, I second the idea of St. Pancake AKA the flattened Rachel Corrie on pancake mixes. Of course the pancake mix would have to be blood red in honor or dishonor of St. pancake and it would be available in Palestine only or the homes of guilty white liberals.

  10. Some one needs to scoop up all these iconic images once they’ve been abandoned by their owners, then put out a superior product with their traditional (and very valuable) brands.

  11. It’s gotten to where white people, especially white men, have been all but removed from commercials these days. The white men that you do see are made to look stupid and inferior to blacks and women. Minorities and mixed-race couples are the order of the day. No wonder young, white males are so pathetic.


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