Supreme Court rules against Trump administration bid to end DACA program – IOTW Report

Supreme Court rules against Trump administration bid to end DACA program

…Roberts made clear that the administration does indeed have the power to rescind DACA, just not in this fashion. more

28 Comments on Supreme Court rules against Trump administration bid to end DACA program

  1. Anyone thinking of voting against President Donald J. Trump because he isn’t acting Presidential, needs to consider the consequences of having Dementia Joe Obiden Bama’s handlers selecting the next Supreme Court nominees.

  2. DACA was never a law, it was an application by the executive branch based on the wrong interpretation of the original immigration law.

    How does any other party or institution get a say in what the executive branch can and can not do when carrying out its constitutional powers?

    What other executive branch policy, decision, action has to be reviewed before it is carried out? This has the potential to mire down the executive branch in every action the federal government takes and prevent it from functioning properly.

  3. Article V Convention of the States.

    Amendment XXVIII – TERM LIMITS for ALL Judicial appointments.

    Get on the phone to your state reps and push them to join the Article V movement, otherwise we’re stuck with people like Roberts for the foreseeable future.

    BTW, thanks George Bush for saddling us with the disgrace that’s John Roberts.

  4. Translation:

    Kushner’s minions in the White House Counsel’s Office deliberately fucked up the rescinding process because Kushner is an NWO motherfucker who Trump should’ve never brought into the White House. This was a calculated and intentional failure to do something a first year lawyer should know how to do properly. It was absolute sabotage.

  5. Disclaimer:
    I said 15 years ago that the leftist Roberts was the worst possible Bush pick!



    Doing my best to rub salt into a bad wound! Roberts was and is a liar!

    I researched his bench rulings – liberal – leftist-progressive

    I am not a lawyer bt I can spot a leftist

  6. Roberts is a traitor to the notion of equal justice for all. I expect him to be the swing vote that will not overturn Roe v Wade at the end of this Supreme Court session in the next week or so before the end of June. GWB sure picked a lemon in nominating this jerk for the Supreme Court. I agree with Bad Brad, who is blackmailing him and for what reason. Clarence Thomas rules, Roberts is an ass.

  7. Ø said: Eight years ago this week, we protected young people who were raised as part of our American family from deportation. Today, I’m happy for them, their families, and all of us. We may look different and come from everywhere, but what makes us American are our shared ideals…

    Shared ideals—how quaint. It was true decades ago but don’t try to sell that shit now, Barry.

  8. Schumer and Ted Kennedy raked Roberts over the coals at his Senate hearing as some far right stealth candidate.

    Instead, he’s Souter 2: Bushwhacked Again

  9. Now I am wondering how the recent unpleasantness is polling among hispanic voters. Must be looking bad for the BLM/Dem/antifa axis and good for Trump. Funny how this Roberts ruling is coming down right now. Is the deep state trying to goad President Trump into cracking down on Dreamers right before the election, in order to drive down hispanic support for Trump?

    Don’t take the bait, PDT. Dreamers can be dealt with later. Nobody gives a shit right now. You’re doing the right thing by focusing your criticism on the court.


  10. I’ve always wondered if Obama administration members we’re BLACKMAILING Roberts perhaps regarding something like a questionable adoption, ever since the obama care ruling.
    Still do!

  11. How does one go about sending Justice Roberts on an all-expense paid hunting trip to Texas? I know a great little hunting lodge there. Oh yeah…asking for a friend.

  12. Allow me to post my standard John Roberts PSA:

    If anyone happens to see John Roberts having a seizure in the swimming pool, be sure to throw in a box of detergent and a load of laundry.


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