Turns Out CNN Pundit Calling Trump Supporters “Toothless Hillbillies” is Drowning in Foreclosures, Debt, Lawsuits, IRS Tax Liens – IOTW Report

Turns Out CNN Pundit Calling Trump Supporters “Toothless Hillbillies” is Drowning in Foreclosures, Debt, Lawsuits, IRS Tax Liens

Poor Rick Wilson.


Rick Wilson is a #NeverTrump goon. In case you don’t recall who he is, because he’s very unforgettable, he’s the guy who laughed and laughed with Don Lemon on CNN, making fun of Trump supporters and undereducated toothless hillbillies.

Here’s that video:

see it here


By the way, Dan Bongino reports that he met Rick Wilson in an airport. The guy is 5 foot nothing and he said he smelled as bad as a rotting corpse.

ht/ woody

52 Comments on Turns Out CNN Pundit Calling Trump Supporters “Toothless Hillbillies” is Drowning in Foreclosures, Debt, Lawsuits, IRS Tax Liens

  1. @Thirdtwin – what do you have against Jimmy Buffett? Have you ever listened to his lyrics or been to a concert? They’re both are a hoot – especially the concerts.

    Yes he’s a big lib – and he has played at a fundraiser for Shrillery, and probably others – but unlike too many of them, he does not inject his personal politics into his public life. I respect that. I will enjoy his music, unlike fuggin Bruce Springsteen and a host of others.

  2. Slimeballs like him are why I restrict my TV viewing to Johnny Carson re-runs and local riot coverage.

    Watching riot coverage is a bit like fishing, however. Getting “a strike” (fish on!) is when blood & guts appear on the street from a rioter.

  3. Anyone that sends a pack of lawsuit threatening lawyers after a young lady trying to get her restaurant off the ground because she has a Cheeseburger In Paradise on the menu is an asshole.*

    * Especially when the asshole is a multi-millionaire that pretends to be an easy going laid back party dude that hates the corporate world.

  4. I forgot who rick Wilson was and started the video. I saw a portion of it again.
    Not happy about seeing that again.

    Wilson should be torn apart by wild animals.

  5. Jerry Manderin June 19, 2020 at 7:43 pm

    Rick Wirson is asshoe!

    Besides being an a-hole, Trump isn’t his worse nightmare, it’s being penniless and maybe homeless if he isn’t careful. Who smells now and might be toothless themselves? That’s the best punishment–BROKE!

  6. stirrin the pot I’m just teasing. You can listen to whomever you like.

    Hell, I’ve met a few Deadheads who vote Republican…..O.K….one….but he was fat. I’m sure there’s a few Buffet fans that don’t smell funny, have horrendous taste in clothes and vote like normal human beings. This is America after all, the land where anything can happen.

  7. Burr you’d be surprised (or maybe not) how many dead heads and parrot heads – I am both – are conservative. I’d say, if you haven’t been to a Buffett concert, then you can’t pass judgement on him, his performance or his fans. But he’s 73 years old and his concerts aren’t quite the same as they used to be. They used to be a kick-ass, party escape from your daily life.

    Thanks for the de-escalation.

  8. Rick Wilson doesn’t look too hot himself. Jug ears and eyes too close together. Not much hair left. Poor eyesight. The overall effect from his face is that he is trying to reach average, but keeps slipping back to below.

    He’s not worth a cootie on a gnat’s testicle.

  9. Stirrin’, no offense meant. Dixie Rick is a Florida Man, likes to ride around on his(?) boat and call himself a pirate. Just a WAG on my part about him liking Buffet. But no, I’m not a big Buffet fan. I’m a musician, but I’m a player, not a singer. I get that people like to party and sing along to the old familiar favorites, but it ain’t my bag. Don’t hate me, bro 😉

    And Freedom Cat, that was SC Congressman Joe Wilson, I think.

  10. Hey Aaron, I’ve voted republican my entire life, I’m a dead head and I’m not fat, asshole. Fuck off bitch. It’s assholes like you that feel the need to pigeon hole everyone that fucks up our message. Pissant.

  11. This is almost as funny as the great crunchy vs creamy peanut butter wah on twitter.

    Had no idea Boofey fans were so……. seeeeensitive.

    Well, far be it from me to ignore such a golden opportunity….


    JIMMY BUFFET BRAND ADULT DIAPERS…for the generation that never grew up.

    I can go on…. and I may….later….laughing too hard right now.


    Oberfuhrer Aaron.

  12. It’s been fun Burr, but let it it go. This has has gone way too far over it’s importance to society or even this website. You can think of Buffett as you will, and I will think of him as I will.

  13. but those are the bestest wahs!!!

    sigh….very well…. should probably go work on the barn electrical stuff before it gets too dark.

    That’s the Buffets fans bedtime anyway…..

  14. Burr, you’re killin’ me! …. laughin’ my keyster off over here

    big Buffett fan since the ’70’s when he was fun … kinda drifted off after I saw him at ‘Jiffy Lube’ about 10 years ago & realized he was fatter than me & was just mailing it in w/ all the auto-tuning … w/ the Killary endorsement he’s rarely on my playlist anymore

    besides …. I’m pretty fackin’ sure he was the guy on the ‘grassy knoll’

  15. Surprise! I’m still awake (but not for much longer – I have to be at work tomorrow at 4:00AM) C’mon Burr, don’t underestimate me. I’ll stay up as long as I have to respond to your comments…well, within reason. Afterall, I do need to wake up VERY early tomorrow))

  16. I think Jimmy Buffet sucks, too. But hey, Aaron is just fucking around.

    I didn’t take offense at his guitars are faggotry thing, or when he poked fun at me on some other guitar thread years ago. I was being silly, and he was too. Comradery, I took it. Just having some fun.

  17. Well, for all of you so-called music purists, who think Jimmy Buffett is a light-weight musical panderer…fuck y’all. Lighten up, get off your high horse and get a life.

    He never presented himself as a musical virtuoso…just someone who wanted to give his fans a break from their daily reality. That’s what he has been from the git go.

  18. I love it when I find out that all these assholes that are smarter than me, travel in better circles than me, and are more respected than me are way more broke than me.

  19. Stirrin’ , I’m just a mediocre old fart garage band guy with a smartass mouth. I meant no offense to you when I slagged Buffet, and I apologize if I did offend. We all have musical touchstones, songs we can remember exact moments in time when we were listening to them, concerts where we had some of the best times of our lives. Hell, I have memory moments for “Margaritaville”. And even “Cheeseburger”. And a bunch of moments for the Bee Gees, fercryinoutloud! I get your drift, and I know everybody else does. And now, I raise a shot of Four Roses to you, my friend. Prosit!

  20. “besides …. I’m pretty fackin’ sure he was the guy on the ‘grassy knoll’”

    Ay, ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ….just between you and me…. THAT JIGGA SO FAT HE WAS THE GRASSY KNOLL.

    :takes final drag on cig before firing squad:

    “I regret nothing.”

  21. I’m with Aaron and Mr Ann Thropy on this one.

    Jimmy Buffet is a leftist crony capitalist asshole.

    He has an army of litigious lawyers who viciously harass small business entrepreneurs.

    But to me his greatest sin is creating the Save The Manatee Club so he could wriggle out of jail time in Monroe County for a drug charge.


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