Citizens Should Confront Punks When Blocking Road – It’s a Crime and We Have the Right To Reasonable Force – IOTW Report

Citizens Should Confront Punks When Blocking Road – It’s a Crime and We Have the Right To Reasonable Force

Bear Spray.

ht/ tsunami

30 Comments on Citizens Should Confront Punks When Blocking Road – It’s a Crime and We Have the Right To Reasonable Force

  1. What’s Wild Bill doing in the tropics, wearing an aloha shirt? I almost didn’t recognize him.

    You want to be careful with bear spray in your vehicle. For some reason it tries to come back at you when you spray it, then you’re screwed. I think it’s a better tactic for everyone to just continue driving forward. They’ll figure it out.

  2. I keep telling youse guys SNOWPLOWS.

    I remember the Simpsons episode where Homer was Mr Plow. George Bush Uno hired Homer to clear the White House grounds of pesky protestors. VROOM!

    I’m seriously thinking of installing a big fuckin’ Train Horn in my diesel F2Fitty. And tweaking the tuner so I can Roll Coal. Some asshole rioters get in my way they’re gonna git an earful

  3. “I’m seriously thinking of installing a big fuckin’ Train Horn in my diesel F2Fitty. And tweaking the tuner so I can Roll Coal.”

    Skip the coal rolling, it will ruin your very expensive engine.

    That horn idea is a great idea though, threshold of pain is somewhere around 130 db, wonder where you could find horns that loud?

  4. Was south of Grand Rapids MI and the State Police were talking to us drivers at the truck stop. They told us they had “credible intel” that the antifa white nutters who were rioting that day wanted to hi_jack some trucks and that we were told to protect that from happening by putting the trucks into a ditch and walking away with the keys if an attempt was made. YIKES! As you can imagine the chatter from the old school drivers was epic. Comments were made that truck stops have truck wash bays and Bolshevik hippy blood can be washed off just like dead bugs and road kill….

  5. I was driving home this morning on a 4-lane road. Passed a gas station with a couple dozen speed bikers revving their engines. Sure enough, the got going and the first guy passed me, popping wheelies. The second pulled in front of me (#1 lane) and slowed down, creating space until all of his buddies had passed. Then they moved en masse, some passing cars in the oncoming lane (solid yellow lines).
    I wasn’t going to do anything stupid, but sure was glad to have a dashcam in case they did something stupid to me or to anyone else.

  6. At some point a terminally ill person will go out with some heroics and just plow into protestors with their vehicle turn around and plow into them again and again and again.

  7. Another solution would be for truckers to declare an embargo on any city where it happens .. for say a week. Let BLM and Antifa take the blame for the return of the Quilted Northern panic

    Truckers are mostly Trumpers. We now know how important they are… and so do they

  8. Zonga, at this time of my life, I am so ready to take on the lefties, this old granny just might get out of my van and club the bass turds with my cane and not worry about getting hurt or killed. 🙂

  9. I had a friend who drove a little Honda 600 mini car back in the mid 70’s. He put a diesel air horn in it just so he he could scare the hell out of people who were in his way. Nobody expected it and it worked. He also was very intimidating if he wanted to be and didn’t care what other people thought of him. If life were like a video game it would be like Death Race 2000 where when a car a car ran over people a small cross would pop up and you would hear a scream. This video game was banned very quickly as being too violent. I saw one once at a pizza place back in the mid 70’s.

  10. Turn off the electricity, gas, internet data, cell phone communications and all deliveries.
    That’s how you win the battle for Seattle… then round ’em up like catttle!
    Oh and do a documentary about it and call it “Spineless in Seattle”

  11. Pepper spray didn’t help that guy in Albuquerque. He had to draw his gun and shoot the dumbass who was screaming “I’m gonna kill you and hitting him with the skateboard.

  12. LC Dan
    I had some dumbass on a crotch rocket (no helmet, of course) try to push me at 55 MPH on a two lane rural road.
    He had plenty of chances to pass, but still kept trying to push by coming up on my bumper and then backing off.
    After about ten miles of this shit, I simply put on the wipers, and then pushed the washer button.
    Seems he wasn’t ready for the little wash job I gave him, and he had to pull over to wipe the bug wash out of his eyeballs. It’s quite possible the had to change his shorts, as well.

  13. 230 gr JHP. buy some cheap box cutters, distribute the JHPs, throw out some of the box cutters. “Officer, I heard them say they were going to kill me and saw edged weapons. I didn’t want to shoot, but I had no choice.”

    This is a jest for those of you that don’t understand dark humor.

  14. @Joe6pak – how about a nice 24 oz. straight clawed framing hammer?? There are ones that come peened on the head! Peening, for those in Rio Linda, is a rough surface.

    I am going to take mine out of the toolbox and put it under the front seat of the car(s). No joking here anymore.

    But you are correct, ‘hit the gas’ when one should ever find themselves in such a horrid situation.

    We all will have to take our chances.

  15. I’m an old woman, Zonga and I didn’t bother getting out. I used the car and drove through them. It was during the 60s & early 70s in Bezerkeley where I lived. Of course, the cars were made out of metal then, but I did it once, and I’ll do it again if need be.


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