Trump Rally Live – IOTW Report

Trump Rally Live

78 Comments on Trump Rally Live

  1. Watching on Right Side Broadcast Network via YouTube and kicking it up to the 55”,
    Can’t trust Fox. Sometimes they will break away and say they are monitoring it and will let us know if anything happens.

  2. I’ll be watching with interchangeable red and white MAGA hats.

    Like a baseball rally caps wearing position. OR maybe in the Sherlock Holmes way.


  3. ” The Trump campaign canceled planned outdoor speeches by President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence at their comeback rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on Saturday night after protesters “interfered” with Trump supporters, campaign officials said.

    “Sadly, protesters interfered with supporters, even blocking access to the metal detectors, which prevented people from entering the rally,” said Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh. “Radical protesters, coupled with a relentless onslaught from the media, attempted to frighten off the president’s supporters. We are proud of the thousands who stuck it out.”

    Media reports said fights occurred outside the BOK arena where Mr. Trump is holding his main rally indoors. But the president and vice president also initially had planned to speak to supporters outdoors who couldn’t get in to the 19,000-seat arena.”

  4. Aw FFS…..after Fox news spends 60 days talking about pandemic, protesting, failing economy, rioting, statue harassment and the like and now they’re playing video of the Belmont stakes horse racing…..The democrat/progressive idiots are bad enough, but the torch that lights the fuse will certainly be the media….

  5. Would be easy to trick Biden into showing up at the rally sportin’ a MAGA hat. Tell Biden there will be lots of little girls in the audience. Biden will figure out right away that in a target rich environment such as that he should be able to sneak up on a few of them.

  6. The same cops that let the thugs disrupt the entrances?
    This disgusting pandering to the thugs by cops ordered to ‘stand down’has been repeated way too many times

  7. He’s learnin’ up Pacino and De Niro about acting, but he ain’t acting…..Trump said…”dumb son of bitch”……HAHAHAHA…..

    GO TRUMP….

  8. @MJA ~ he knows the left will now try to burn every chinese-made American flag they can order from Scramazon … & it’s just gonna piss off more normal, law-abiding Americans to vote PDT in Nov

    oh man, …. “they can’t sell us more bombs if we don’t bomb people” POW!

  9. If you didn’t get to a Trump rally yet make sure you do, even if you have to drive a while or fly to one (though, that probably won’t be necessary). They are the funnest, happiest places to be in America right now.

    Don’t let all the bad stuff that is happening get you down. Don’t fall for the headlines that try to rock our world. There are a lot more of us than them.

  10. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻😜

  11. He is knocking it out of the park!

    Bela Pelosi is sitting at home, reliving her one shining moment in the last three years – ripping up a copy of the transcript of this rally.

    Edit: He knocked (past tense) it out of the park!

  12. Joe Biden will respond to this once he gets out of his yogurt bath and the puddle of the wicked witch of the west….The next 5 months will be epic…

    Can the media figure out where most of America truly is and do they want to survive…..I doubt it….

    I don’t know….One of my favorite coworker/boss said….”If you ain’t got dirt, grass and sweat in your shorts at the end of the day then you ain’t done nothin”….But, I always thought that was just a third date….

  13. Mark R. Levin
    1. No wonder the media don’t want the president to speak at rallies. He’s truly dynamic and compelling. A 2 1/2 hour captivating speech.

    Mark R. Levin
    2. By the way, leftists tied to Democrats organized a campaign to buy tickets and not fill seats at the event. AOC is online bragging about it and encouraging more of it. We used to call this dirty tricks.

  14. I’ll say it again-POTUS needs to do a rally at the Gorge Amphitheater in Quincy WA. Open air, lessen the 🦠 spread, people would drive in from WA, OR all over the PNW. It’s in eastern WA, the Republican side of the state. Beautiful setting. It’d be like the last scene from Field of Dreams with waving American flags out every car window…🇺🇸

  15. Wow! What a crowd! That rally was magnificent. No wonder the lunatic left want to shut these rallies down. There were so many great Trump one liners and excellent campaign highlights. We are indeed very fortunate Mr. Trump is our President.

  16. Illustr8r — That would be an amazing venue for POTUS Trump; “gorgeous” as the sun begins to set, with the Columbia rolling by behind the stage. I wonder how hard it would be to secure from a sniper, it being outside and all.

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