As Black Lives Matter efforts persist, prominent black voices push back on anti-police politics – IOTW Report

As Black Lives Matter efforts persist, prominent black voices push back on anti-police politics

JTN: As Black Lives Matter protest efforts continue across the United States, numerous prominent black voices have pushed back against the movement’s emerging demands to defund or even dismantle police departments across America. 

Protests against police have raged across America’s cities since the killing of Minneapolis resident George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police was captured on video in which a police officer knelt on Floyd’s neck for nearly nine minutes while Floyd screamed, “I can’t breathe!” In the weeks since the incident, the country has witnessed mass demonstrations, destruction of statues deemed historically offensive, and sometimes violence against police officers.

In recent weeks a new slogan — “defund the police” — has sprung up among activists. Black Lives Matter has made the issue front-and-center on its own website.

While the drive to defund the police has quickly caught on among liberal-leaning activists and demonstrators, a number of prominent black leaders and advocates have spoken up in recent days, urging a more measured, thoughtful approach to regulating police forces around the country. 

‘Nobody is going to defund the police’ 

Democratic Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.), the House Majority Whip, said last week that the demands to strip police departments of their funding would come to nothing.  more

6 Comments on As Black Lives Matter efforts persist, prominent black voices push back on anti-police politics

  1. No the Police won’t be “de-funded.”
    They will be fucked with.

    A bunch of years ago the DC Metro Police had some problems – so they had a “re-structuring” of sorts. Bottom line, they hired about 800 felons and gave em badges and guns. Predictably, the badged and gunned felons did felonious things, except with the backing of the city and the “legal” system (they became something of Extra-Ordinary Revenue Collectors).

    My guess is that something similar will take place as the situation shakes out.

    The USSR couldn’t do without the NKVD and KGB, Socialist Germany couldn’t do without the GeStaPo, Fascist Italy couldn’t do without OVRA, Japan couldn’t do without the Kempeitai, Castro couldn’t do without his DGI, &c.

    So, “de-funding” the police is NEVER at issue, it’s the “re-organizing” that’s pernicious. THAT’S where they disguise the agenda.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. And God knows Clyburn’s district desperately needs the Po-Po. Clyburn’s thoughts on the current problems are the usual never let a crisis go to waste mentality. The 30 year congresscritter was recently quoted as saying “We’ve got a tremendous opportunity to restructure”. Formulate your own translation as to what old Jimbo means.

  3. Obviously he hasn’t read the news from Minne-no-police, unless he somehow thinks the approved bill will be vetoed by a mayor who is leading the defund movement.

  4. Do away with law enforcement and it is no longer possible to enforce that which a constitutional democratically elected representative republican form of government has agreed. Thus, do away with the means for our constitutional democratically elected representative republican form of government to actually be a constitutional democratically elected representative republican form of government and you have in fact destroyed the constitutional democratically elected representative republican form of government.

    The enforcement of the laws made by our constitutionally elected and empowered representatives to secure our rights are as much a part of the constitutional order as the constitution itself.

    The attack on law enforcement as an institution is an attack on our very constitutional order.

    Make no mistake, the Marxists understand this.


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