Atlanta’s Interim Police Chief: Fatal Shooting Of Rayshard Brooks Has Nothing To Do With Race – IOTW Report

Atlanta’s Interim Police Chief: Fatal Shooting Of Rayshard Brooks Has Nothing To Do With Race


According to Atlanta’s interim police chief, race was not a factor in the fatal shooting of Rayshard Brooks. During a recent interview, Chief Rodney Bryant said his officers are the best in the nation and emphasized Brook’s death had nothing to do with diversity.

This came after Garrett Rolfe, the officer who shot Brooks, was charged with felony murder.

The Atlanta Police Department has faced a grave drop in morale amid national turmoil sparked by the death of George Floyd. MORE

11 Comments on Atlanta’s Interim Police Chief: Fatal Shooting Of Rayshard Brooks Has Nothing To Do With Race

  1. Alcohol, stupidity and adrenaline killed Rayshard Brooks as much as those bullets. None of these are related to Racism. Unconscious or Conscious Racism didn’t kill this felonious fool.

  2. Actually Marco what killed Brooks, in addition to your points, was years of having drummed into his head that being black entitles you to resist, without consequences, the police. It’s almost an obligation.

    Throw into the mix the DUI was going to be a parole violation which would have sent him back to prison and the young man just knew to the depths of his soul, he’d better be beatin’ feet.

  3. MMinAR: As soon as this media event happened, several of us figured out that Rayshard was more worried about going back to prison for violating his parole conditions than spending the night in jail for a DUI. It took a relatively long time for his extensive rap sheet to get released, but we were right about why he resisted arrest. It’s a classic case of recidivism. Rayshard was a relapsing recidivist, and now he’s a dead martyr.

  4. Newsflash:
    “After making clear that blacks should feel entitled to break the law with impunity, Atlanta officials are ‘evolving’, based on the reality that Lawlessness is not effective mob hygiene policy. More to follow on the evening news broadcast at 6…”

  5. The acting police chief must be a closet racist, even if he is black. I am sure the left will be calling him an oreo in the near future.

    OT – how come Oreo cookies haven’t been renamed yet? Or did I just miss the story?

  6. The P.D. and GBI ought to turn all the evidence over to the cops defense team and let his lawyers forward it to the prosecution. Usually it happens the other way. This way they can symbolically tell the prosecutor to go pound sand.

  7. I mean other than the fact that he was fleeing, as in away from the police at the time he was shot in the back, he obviously was an immediate threat to life of the police and bystanders all.

    If this went down the same way with any one of you as the shooter, there would be charges as there was no immediate threat.Some will try the semantics game we all know, but deep down you know it to be true.

    Race probably wasn’t at issue here, but the general police practice of shooting fleeing people who are not an immediate threat, is the issue.

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