Philadelphia PBS: “Vehicle Attacks Rise As Extremists Target Protestors” – IOTW Report

Philadelphia PBS: “Vehicle Attacks Rise As Extremists Target Protestors”


Right-wing extremists are turning cars into weapons, with reports of 50 vehicle-ramming incidents since protests against police violence erupted nationwide in late May.

At least 18 are categorized as deliberate attacks; another two dozen are unclear as to motivation or are still under investigation, according to a count released Friday by Ari Weil, a terrorism researcher at the University of Chicago’s Chicago Project on Security and Threats. Weil has tracked vehicle ramming attacks, or VRAs, since protests began. More

43 Comments on Philadelphia PBS: “Vehicle Attacks Rise As Extremists Target Protestors”

  1. It was a ‘right wing extremist’ wearing dreadlocks. A lot of right wing extremists wear dreadlocks, dontchknow?

    They lie with impunity and fb and twtr and googl never seem to mind.


    One of the headlines at drudge right now:

    Protesters gather outside McConnell’s home: ‘No justice, no sleep’…

    Am i supposed to care that they’re making Mitchie’s life miserable? He sells us out on a daily basis, and ten to one he does some groveling in some way shape or form before the hooligans rioting outside his house. If letting the thugs criminalize his constituents is what he needs to do to get a good nights sleep, i’m sure that’s just what he’ll do!

  2. Yeah, sounds to me like those “attacks” were actually people who were in their vehicles going from point “A” to Point “B”, and got caught in a “Protest” with the “Protesters” violently attacking the vehicles, prompting the people in the vehicles to “Attack” the “Protesters” by driving away.

    You attack a vehicle, and get run over, it’s just an object lesson that the vehicle will win, and that you are a candidate for the next round of Darwin Awards.

    Plus, you start beating on one of my more expensive possessions, i.e. my truck, that I’m still paying for, you bet your ass that you are going to get hurt.

  3. This is America we have a right to protest, but it does not include blocking traffic. If you play on the road you could be turned into road goo. Anybody who blocks the road needs to do jail time. And get bear maced when on the road.

  4. My instructions to my wife and daughter when they are in their car and are confronted with a protest in the street is clear. Lay on the horn, put the transmission in a lower gear, and run the rpm’s up to about 4000.

    BTW: I saw some interesting statistics yesterday. There were 10 black men killed by the police in 2019 and there were 8000 black men killed by other black men last year. The black population in America is 12 to 18 percent depending on the source but the numbers from Planned Parenthood have the use of their abortion services right at 50%. I think the outrage is a little misplaced.

  5. That was certainly a fair and balanced Article by PBS: “peaceful demonstrators protesting against police violence” vs. “far-right extremists” and “the Ku Klux Klan”.

    So some poor White guy who is stuck in a traffic jam and is overtaken and surrounded by rioters who want to drag him out and beat him Reginald Denny-style, needs to just sit there and take it, or else be branded a racist if he tries to escape. And PBS just gave license to the lynch mob.

  6. Like the bumper sticker on the back of a late 1940’s Studebaker Champion I once saw back in the 70’s that said Beaters are neater. Someone had a beautifully restored old late 40’s Studebaker Champion just across the street from my house yesterday in front of the Catholic church. Believe me this old Studebaker wasn’t a beater. And my daughter tells me that it’s just a car, I don’t think so, those old Studebakers are still one of my favorite cars ever.

  7. A bit off subject, but just as dumb as PBS. I saw this news story on the KOLO website yesterday. Now we need to be scared of ‘wild carnivals’ for God’s sake??


    San Francisco mountain lion may have killed zoo animals

    The San Francisco Zoo says a local wild carnival apparently killed two wallaroos and a red kangaroo.

  8. Trump ought to defund PBS by executive order now. They’ll holler and whine but at the end of the day he won’t lose votes over it and it won’t make PBS become anything close to balanced.

    As far as this Ari character goes I suspect a closer look at his stats will show that likely all of the cars suspected of intentional ramming were in fact victims of the rioters and were just trying to get away. He likely only used one side of the story in each instance.

  9. It really is far past the time to start tracking down the lying sacks of shit who write these lies and confront them face to face. There needs to be consequences for spreading lies like this on the public dime.

  10. I have no problem with drivers plowing into people who are holding a car/truck hostage. They are preventing you from going about your business. Pedal to the metal and onward!

  11. If confronted with actual peaceful demonstrators / protesters, I would have qualms about running over them.

    But I have yet to see any actual peaceful demonstrators / protesters. All the videos have shown hostile, threatening mobs with many holding objects easily used as weapons. If I’m ever caught in such a situation (and I’ll go to some lengths to avoid that), it will be “never bring a skateboard to a motor vehicle fight.”

  12. They’ve enthusiastically encouraged anarchy and now whine that things have gotten ‘out of hand’.

    ‘Crying orphan’ was always a despicable defense for patricide/matricide.

    I hope they burn WHYY to nothing but ashes.

  13. If someone jumps on my car, tries to get me out, tries to break a window, I’m honking, turning on the wipers and then I’m flooring it. I don’t care if your 7, 9, or 14 year old kid is standing in front of it doing the same. If you value your children, you don’t bring them to riots. I did see some kids at riots on the freeway. They want their kids to die or be severely injured. That’s their choice, not the person in the car.

  14. “Right Wing Extremists?”
    That would be the equivalent of “Radical Monarchists,” yes?

    Anybody ever seen one of that? Raise your hand …

    Usually, when anyone uses “right wing” anything they’re referring to that brand of Socialist characterized by being out of favor with the cruelest, most psychotic maniac in the Politburo. Stalin called Trotsky “right wing.” As well as Zinoviev. And Kerensky.
    Basically, for the lying, sack-of-shit, run-of-the-mill, pusillanimous nihilist punk bitch pussy who’s attempting to pass himself off as a “socialist” it’s simply an epithet that no one examines too closely but assumes it means something bad.

    izlamo delenda est …

  15. Surrounded by an unfriendly mob while rioting has been going on? Question one: Why the hell are you there?
    Question two: are you moving steadly at 5 mph?
    Question three: Why not, are you hoping to be hurt/killed?

  16. @Anon
    When driving on the road, any road, I never get a notification that nut balls are on it in advance. People that are unable to use reason and understanding who they’re blocking. But more likely are just not honest and not wanting to. Because look at me and my protest, I can stop you from going where you need to be.
    As someone said here today, 10 blacks killed by cops in 2019. 8000 killed by other blacks and then Planned Butcher Hood for black babies.
    Not honest or stupid take your pick, but I’m going with both.

  17. It’s the protesting looters that are blocking the roads that are damaging innocent peoples car by not getting out of the road. You have no right to block a road in fact they have cause severe emergencies by blocking ambulances from getting to hospitals.

  18. I just saw a picture from a video camera of the wanted young female person of interest on the our local KXLY news site after burning up several vehicles early this morning in N. Spokane. She definitely looks like a mad angry antifa type terrorist. I wonder if others were involved as well. Let’s hope our local cops catch and put her away for good so she and her terrorist buds don’t do it again. However it looks like that video has already been taken down and removed from view when I just looked for it again.

  19. Ronny tried to stop my $tax from paying for this 8 straight years. He was defeated by the GOP left; lead by a liberal who would later be the liberal to lose to Bill and Snarlin Arlen; only named 2, want more liberal GOP?

  20. Best one so far is a fedex truck forcing its way through the protesters. One protester was stupid enough to NOT get out of the way and got caught under it.

  21. Bear mace sprays … it 35+ feet. and is a great crowd / Thug displeaser. Cost $34.05 for the XX size canister at many Big Box sporting goods stores ( Camping section)

    Crack the side window or Moon Roof open …
    spray and presto suddenly no Thugs.

    Saw it work on I-85/I75 in in Atlanta.


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