Facebook Content Moderator Speaks About Unabashed Bias Against the Right – IOTW Report

Facebook Content Moderator Speaks About Unabashed Bias Against the Right

15 Comments on Facebook Content Moderator Speaks About Unabashed Bias Against the Right

  1. O’Keefe’s best work to date.
    Remarkable video after the opening interview.
    POTUS tweet to follow.
    Someone’s in trouble.

    The E in Electronic stands for evidence.

  2. “going to like go crazy”
    Too late, bint. You already done gone cray-cray.
    Glad I’m not you’re friend. I’d be worried about a knife in my back at any time.

  3. This pisses me off. Everyone should post this on Fascistbook, over and over and over. Everyone of these low info punks should be fired. Fascist book MUST be monitored by an independent agency 24/7.

  4. huh
    conditional freedom of speech
    “not if i disagree with your point of view !!!!”

    this is the result of patriots allowing the left their freedom of speech.
    diversity and tolerance of view points ?
    not from the left which shouts out that everyone’s voice matters.

  5. Can’t wait for the Dems to take over and make social media participation mandatory for everybody to conduct business with the government, followed closely by quisling corporations requiring it for commerce. And don’t think we will be able to just use it to buy, sell and pay taxes. Remember, Silence=Death. We will be made to declare fealty to the left. China is already far down that road.

  6. Amazing expose’. I’m sure the republicans in congress are going to run with this, and take immediate, decisive action!

    Note: For those born without the sense of humor gene, The above was sarcasm.

  7. Don’t believe that these bigoted, American-hating people can be “deprogrammed” or reasoned with. Welcome to the New Nazis awaiting their new leader to appear.

    Zuckerberg’s propaganda seems similar to Goebbels, except it is comprised of deletion, demonetization, and exclusion instead of negative remarks and fake news regarding the New Jew (presumably, the pro-Trumpers and “privileged” whites).

    I guess, the next step is abolishing the 2-A for all New Jews (pro-Trumpers and whites) and the establishment police forces.


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