The WH Correspondents Prom Is Canceled – IOTW Report

The WH Correspondents Prom Is Canceled

WA EX: The White House Correspondents’ Association canceled its annual honorary dinner after scrapping its spring date because of the coronavirus pandemic.

WHCA President Jonathan Karl, the White House correspondent for ABC News, announced on Tuesday that the dinner, which had been postponed to late August, will no longer happen this year. more

21 Comments on The WH Correspondents Prom Is Canceled

  1. “He will have to reinflate his well worn girlfriend.”

    What makes you think it has female features?

    Suspect this might be a case of projection on your part. 😀

  2. I had never heard of the guy they had scheduled to headline the event (Hasan Minhaj), so I looked him up and decided to actually watch his show. Knowing going in what his political thoughts had to be. Well, I can tell you that is 5 minutes of my life that I will never get back.
    Still not interested in that far-left gathering.

  3. Who really cares about the “Association”? How about just “cancelling” the correspondents? THAT would be an improvement – although probably a disaster for the butt plug makers

  4. It’s not just a correspondents dinner… it’s a cesspool of maggotry, a cadre, a retinue, a pageant of puke.

    I know of at least one lowly worm whom through assiduous payments to the organization was awarded a position FAR above her abilities. But she’s still there, and now a punching bag.

    She would have been purged 10 years ago, but her husband being important in the Union not only saved her, but forced her up the line.


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