It’s On YOU Democrats – IOTW Report

It’s On YOU Democrats

12 Comments on It’s On YOU Democrats

  1. Could I be the only one here that has never had a facebook, twitter, instagram or any other account? I never wanted a pimply-faced shithead knowing my personal business. In fact, after spending 30 minutes at my 10-year high school reunion I walked out. For the 15th reunion, I returned my invite as “Deceased”. I am no longer invited and I like it just fine.

  2. You’re not the only one, CCNV. Plus I used to never view anything on Twitter as a matter of personal policy. That’s changed lately – I go for useful videos covering the growing domestic war in the U.S.

    And THAT was one such video! Senator Scott can move to WA anytime and be my Senator.

  3. Y’know, I watched Sen. Scott’s speech on the news last night. He said that he’s been followed by clerks when he goes into stores “even as a US Senator” and thus, understands the plight of negroes everywhere. What a crock of bullshit!
    If a clerk followed him (which I doubt) it was BECAUSE he IS a US Senator! Everybody knows that (for the most part) they’re thieves and liars!

    Would you trust one in your place of business?

    And a woman holding her bag a bit tighter as he passes is just prudence!
    Again – probably has more to do with him being a fuckin politician than with him being negro.
    (this is minor criticism – Sen. Scott, by all appearances, is an honorable man)

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @CCNV:

    Could I be the only one here that has never had a facebook, twitter, instagram or any other account?

    Nope. And I’ve got my main browser (Opera) locked down so tight I can’t even watch twatter or fecebook videos (I don’t know about unstagram; never tried). Plus, about 75% of embedded yootoob vids don’t work either. I like it that way. On the rare occasions where I want to make an exception, I use my phone which has a really big high-res screen and works just fine for that sort of thing, especially after I uninstalled the twat and fecebook apps, crippled most ggogle functions, and disallowed all but a few apps access to location, camera, mic, contacts, network, etc.

    I will, however, take a look at this vid later today. Seems worthwhile!

  5. CCNV, you have company. Never had or will have any of those things you mention. This is one of a few sites I comment on as they don’t require a fakebook account to comment. You do understandably have to wonder sometimes if you stand alone.

  6. “He said that he’s been followed by clerks when he goes into store”

    Yeah, I’m sure he’s walking around with his pants around his thighs in a wife beater instead of his $500 suits. This talking point is so overused, especially by famous (liberal) blacks like Danny Glover etc. and I’m saddened by Sen. Scott’s use of it. Saddened, but not surprised.

  7. I am a cracker.

    When we built and moved into our first home I needed several kitchen gadgets. I went shopping in a small town just south of our town. The store was a very small department store combo dime store with many needed items for kitchen stocking that I looked at and either carted or put back on their counter.

    I was arm carrying our first born infant and pushing the store’s small shopping cart. I was wearing a black ample wool coat in the loose early ‘70s design. I was probably only one of two or three shoppers. They didn’t know me.

    One clerk followed me through the entire store. Being young, I couldn’t figure out why I was being followed. I invested too much time shopping or I would have left without purchasing when I realized the clerk was following me and probably thought I was shop lifting. I never went back there, even after 50 years. Azzholes!

  8. I have none of those accounts, never had and never will. I don’t watch much tv either. Oh and I don’t use a “smart phone” they’ll have to find another way to ease drop and track me.

  9. CCNV, I went to my 10 year HS anniversary in 1981 and almost nobody had changed, everyone was still in the same cliques and I vowed to never go to another one. I still have a friend from HS who I have known since we were in 1st grade together back in 1959, other than that I don’t care about anyone else. My 50 year reunion is next year and there is no way in hell that I will attend. As for fakebook I gave up on them 5 years ago when the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage and I was so pissed and about ready to vent my spleen with every obscenity known to man until I thought about it long enough to realize it wasn’t worth it and quit fakebook and will never go back.


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