Russia Accused Of Paying Bounty To Taliban For US Dead – IOTW Report

Russia Accused Of Paying Bounty To Taliban For US Dead

American Military News

U.S. intelligence officials found that a Russian intelligence group secretly offered the Taliban rewards for killing coalition forces – including Americans — in Afghanistan.

Officials close to the matter told New York Times on Friday that the Russian intelligence unit had given the Taliban bounty money for successful attacks on coalition forces, though the number of paid bounty attacks was not clear.

In 2019, 20 Americans were killed in combat incidents in Afghanistan, and some may have been attacks for which the Taliban was paid by the Russian unit. More

8 Comments on Russia Accused Of Paying Bounty To Taliban For US Dead

  1. What would we expect them to do? The CIA did the same thing when the USSR was at war in Afghanistan in the ’80s. It’s stupid for us to be in Afghanistan at all, now or ever.

    Something should definitely be done to pay the Russians back though, simply as payback for dead GIs.

  2. They’ve been harassing our planes in international territory as well.

    Kick them out of any respectable world diplomatic and trade organizations.

    Let’s stop pretending. He gave them a chance and they fucked it up. North Korea, China, all of them.

    Isolate and shut off all trade.

  3. The Russians were (allegedly) offering bounties for United States mercenaries. The *exact* same way United States mercenaries offer bounties, for *everybody*.

    And Americans… and Canadians… and Zimbabweans… should care… why?

    No. Specifically. You, who declares Americans the enemy. Why should Americans care that *anyone* offers bounties for United States mercenaries.

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