China Makes First Protest Arrest In Hong Kong – Signaling The Early End of “Two Systems” Policy – IOTW Report

China Makes First Protest Arrest In Hong Kong – Signaling The Early End of “Two Systems” Policy


Hong Kong police fired water cannon and tear gas and arrested nearly 200 people on Wednesday as protesters took to the streets in defiance of sweeping security legislation introduced by China that critics say is aimed at snuffing out dissent.

Beijing unveiled the details of the much-anticipated law late on Tuesday after weeks of uncertainty, pushing China’s freest city and one of the world’s most glittering financial hubs onto a more authoritarian path.


5 Comments on China Makes First Protest Arrest In Hong Kong – Signaling The Early End of “Two Systems” Policy

  1. No way GB could have known in 1898 what China would turn in to, that is a country that scoops eyeballs and kidneys out of the living.

    Hong Kong is in a deep pile of crap. The only silver lining I can see is it will hasten what will happen to the CCP because of the massive economic downturn that’s going to occur in Hong Kong.

    In fact the exodus is already happening but the commies will almost literally cut off their nose to spite their face.

    You can bet your ass any thing the CCP can do to get Biden elected, they are doing it.


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