Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms Doesn’t Have the Courage to Clear a Wendy’s Parking Lot and Now a Little Girl Is Dead – IOTW Report

Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms Doesn’t Have the Courage to Clear a Wendy’s Parking Lot and Now a Little Girl Is Dead

PJMedia: The uptick in shootings that have plagued Atlanta for the last month continues unabated. On Sunday night, it claimed the life of 8-year-old Secoriea Turner because she was in a car doing a U-turn to avoid the infamous Wendy’s that armed protestors declared as a shrine to Rayshard Brooks.

Atlanta’s CHOP

“Protestors” have alternately erected barricades around the charred fast-food restaurant in recent weeks, and the police have been clearing them. The protestors placed the barriers again Saturday night. Effectively, Atlanta has a mini-CHOP. And just like in Seattle, city leaders have been negotiating with these “protestors.” more here

30 Comments on Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms Doesn’t Have the Courage to Clear a Wendy’s Parking Lot and Now a Little Girl Is Dead

  1. Once again proving that black – and white progressive – democrats who control the local government destroy every city they control. New York, Atlanta, Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, St. Louis, on plenty more. Show me one city, that is not rural, that functions well and is thriving.

  2. @MJA – “…I just can’t get over her name sounding like a medical condition…”

    Something like a boil or a cyst comes to mind. Whichever one, it needs to be removed.

  3. Every single shit hole country in existence is run by blacks. Yea, let’s keep “advancing colored people” to places of higher office with the only qualification being skin color. It’s not long before USA becomes a shit hole at the rate we’re going. It seems every single major corporation is proud to announce on their website, “We’ve given XXX millions to blacks to show how we’re not racist,” and they don’t even realize the act of doing so is nothing but pure racism, and I will add it’s also treason. If I was the landowner of the burned Wendy’s I would erect a giant middle finger surrounded by high amperage electrical fencing.

  4. Atlanta, your Queen Lance Bottoms can’t hold a candle to Seattle’s Queen ‘Durka Durka’ Durkan the Wicked Witch of The West. Our Queen can prevaricate better than your queen! And ours is a LOT uglier, too.

  5. demon’rat plan … plain & simple …

    1. do not support your police departments
    2. tell your police departments to not enforce the law
    3. order your police departments not to use any forcetell your police departments to allow the ‘citizens’ to ‘blow off steam’ by burning, looting, destroying businesses, community & government property … (the government property that taxpayers & businesses must pay to clean up, repair & refurbish)
    4. defund your police departments … that way you can steal millions before you leave office
    5. tell the taxpayers they must adhere to unConstitutional measures that are against freedom of assembly, freedom of speech, freedom of religion for ‘their own good’ because of a natural phenomena that occurs practically every year
    6. tell the taxpayers they must only visit businesses that support your political party w/ mass amounts of ‘contributions’; all others must be shuttered
    7. make the taxpayers wear ridiculous face diapers that do nothing to ‘combat’ a virus that practically any thinking person knows that it needs to burn out through contact & resulting immunity
    9. use those w/ the virus & place them in retirement communities to infest the residence, since the overwhelming cases of death are within the elderly, due to the virus becoming a ‘tipping point’ to pre-existing conditions
    10. blame President Trump because you can’t find any money, that you have squeeze from the remaining taxpayers, to repair the damage that you allowed

    don’t know what you call it … but, it sure ain’t ‘leadership’
    (feel free to add)

  6. demon’rat plan … plain & simple …

    1. do not support your police departments
    2. tell your police departments to not enforce the law
    3. order your police departments not to use any forcetell your police departments to allow the ‘citizens’ to ‘blow off steam’ by burning, looting, destroying businesses, community & government property … (the government property that taxpayers & businesses must pay to clean up, repair & refurbish)
    4. defund your police departments … that way you can steal millions before you leave office
    5. tell the taxpayers they must adhere to unConstitutional measures that are against freedom of assembly, freedom of speech, freedom of religion for ‘their own good’ because of a natural phenomena that occurs practically every year
    6. tell the taxpayers they must only visit businesses that support your political party w/ mass amounts of ‘contributions’; all others must be shuttered
    7. make the taxpayers wear ridiculous face diapers that do nothing to ‘combat’ a virus that practically any thinking person knows that it needs to burn out through contact & resulting immunity
    9. use those w/ the virus & place them in retirement communities to infest the residence, since the overwhelming cases of death are within the elderly, due to the virus becoming a ‘tipping point’ to pre-existing conditions
    10. blame President Trump because you can’t find any money, that you have squeeze from the remaining taxpayers, to repair the damage that you allowed (physically & spiritually)

    don’t know what you call it … but, it sure ain’t ‘leadership’

  7. Have the FD lay a heavy foam layer down after the parking lot is cleared by the police. Give it a daily shot as needed and unless there is a monster rainstorm for hours ain’t nobody using that lot between the slippery, the sticky and the stink.

  8. What is it with these black female mayors? Do we see a trend yet? Baltimore, Chicago….etc.

    It’s like they were put there deliberately to enable shit to be stirred without anyone being able to say BOO about it.

    Soros and the commie democrat party have to be behind it; they must be.

    I don’t give two shit’s if that sounds racist.

  9. I just read she ‘contracted’ COVID. (Contracted – Formal agreement to get COVID??)

    Smart thing would have been to keep her hand down, not made eye contact and to never, ever sign up for something you really don’t want.

  10. When speaking about crime in inter-city black neighborhoods, a fellow once told me that he wished the city would leave dump trucks full of guns and beer parked on every corner so that they’d exterminate each other. I guess he was right!

  11. All of these Deep State Democrat and RINO progressive governors and mayors have blood on their hands. At this point, they’re headed straight to Hell. Eternity Matters.

  12. Mayor Lance Bottoms is directly responsible for the murder of the Turner child. Her condemnation of the way the police handled the drunk at the Wendy’s drive through to the embracing the BLM marches.

    Her actions just keep getting better. Here in the ATL the National Guard has been activated and given the right to arrest citizens to keep the peace. There is also a curfew in Fulton county and Atlanta. Nobody is admitting it but we are under martial law in Mayor Lance-Bottom’s utopia.

  13. Keep in mind; ALL of this, every bit, is democrat-generated insurrection with the single goal of preventing Trump’s re-election.
    Plan and act accordingly.

  14. Black cities are controlled by the votes of 20% of the voting population. This 20% is made up of mostly black socialist women who naturally put in one of their own.
    Their “success” in making worthless piles of bricks out
    of the socialist run cities is now obvious to anyone with
    a brain. That doesn’t say much for the whole bunch.

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