US District Court orders Dakota Access Pipeline Temporarily shutdown – IOTW Report

US District Court orders Dakota Access Pipeline Temporarily shutdown


federal judge ordered the shutdown of the Dakota Access Pipeline and that it be emptied, while a lengthy environmental review is conducted.

The pipeline must be emptied by August 5, the court ordered Monday, after finding that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers violated “the National Environmental Policy Act when it granted an easement” for the pipeline’s construction and operation of crude-oil running beneath Lake Oahe.

U.S. District Judge James Boasberg wrote in a 24-page order that he was “mindful of the disruption such a shutdown will cause,” but said he had concluded that it was necessary.

“Clear precedent favoring vacatur during such a remand coupled with the seriousness of the Corps’ deficiencies outweighs the negative effects of halting the oil flow for the thirteen months that the Corps believes the creation of an EIS will take,” Boasberg wrote

The environmental review for the pipeline, which has been in operation for three years, must be completed within 30 days, according to the judge’s order. more

8 Comments on US District Court orders Dakota Access Pipeline Temporarily shutdown

  1. My wife works for the company that’s building this pipeline. The economy of the whole area where I live is going to be greatly impacted by this decision as the oil this pipeline carries was destined for the refineries here. They have already spent billions to increase the production capacity to handle this oil. This is an obvious attempt by an activist judge to further sabotage the economy to hurt President Trump’s reelection bid. I hope this judge burns in hell for the damage he is doing to countless families through this decision.

  2. What’s in the courts is not the reason, it’s a tactic. Go look at the route planning from the start of the project.

    What would you rather have, a one time payment for a road to be built on your property, or being able to install a toll booth on that road?

  3. The President should find a ‘legal’ way to countermand the order. There has to be several…

    The Supreme Court has made its decision, now let them enforce it. Andrew Jackson

  4. An Obama FISA court judge to boot.

    He thinks that Trump will lose in November so he inadvertently just donated to his reelection campaign.

    Expect a wave of these across the country for the next 4 months.

    Just remember, Trump can’t undo an Obama EO on DACA without a good reason so he just needs to EO all kinds of stuff.


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