Atlanta Mayor Lance Bottoms: Not Police Shooting up Communities, It’s Community Members – IOTW Report

Atlanta Mayor Lance Bottoms: Not Police Shooting up Communities, It’s Community Members

RedState: After Atlanta Police abandoned their posts due to Atlanta’s leadership turning their back on them, crime skyrocketed and shootings became relatively common. They became so common that 8-year-old Secoriea Turner was shot and killed on Saturday when a group of people shot up the car she was riding in as they passed by the same Wendy’s where Rayshard Brooks was killed.

Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms gave a press conference on the atrocity committed for no good reason. During her small speech, she pointed out that all of these riots and crimes were supposed to be in reaction to the way police and society at large treated the black community but in truth, it’s not the police that are shooting up the communities, it’s members of the community.

“Secoriea Turner was shot and killed last night, and it was not by the hands of police officers,” Bottoms said. “It was by the hands of a coward, cowards, who are still out and about in our community. This happened … near the Wendy’s where Rayshard Brooks was killed a few weeks ago.” more

17 Comments on Atlanta Mayor Lance Bottoms: Not Police Shooting up Communities, It’s Community Members

  1. ‘We got to stop this’. ENFORCE THE LAW. It is really simply just that, when you defund the police symbolically and make them the enemy and have a hands off let them get it out of their system policy you get this mayhem. Allowing autonomous zones, one was at the Wendy’s, and people to protest on freeways, and damage property and tear down statues is going to end in people dying, sometimes people not even participating. Trump needs to focus on one issue, and this is it. Because welcome to the future should Biden somehow get pulled across the finish line.

  2. “Because welcome to the future should Biden somehow get pulled across the finish line.”

    You don’t think these people will torch every large inner city if Trump wins?

  3. She’s trying to say that, in Atlanta, “Black Lives Matter” is meant for blacks now. It’s a start. Let’s see if it leads her to saying “Obeying the law matters.”

  4. If the way to solve the problem of criminals getting killed while resisting arrest is get rid of police then by BLM’s logic the way to solve the problem of black on black violence is to get rid of black people. That’s where their ridiculous rationalizations lead.

  5. “You don’t think these people will torch every large inner city if Trump wins?”

    Any and all cities. And eventually they plan on showing up on your door step. And they are already in place. Plan accordingly.

  6. A closer parsing of the language used here is quite illuminating. It shows just how fucking insane the racialist mindset truly is.

    “She was shot by one of our own.”

    I don’t know about you, but if some white asshole shot a white family member of mine, I sure has Hell wouldn’t consider that cocksucker “one of my people”… He’s the exact opposite of *my people*.

    The implication of the statement is that they should be killing others not of “their people”. Get it? I really thing the black culture mindset is so toxified by racialism that it is completely limited in achieving self-awareness.

  7. She later went on CNN (or MSNBC, I can’t tell them apart) and blamed President Trump. So, there’s that…

    Oh, and she has COVID (that’s Trump’s fault as well).

  8. Every major US city is grossly over represented by black politicians. Not just that they’re black but black leftist bigots with anger issues that direct their anger toward whites.

    They are what they complain about.

  9. TheMule, excellent point.

    They don’t see people as individuals. They’ve lost a lot of their humanity. That can turn people into monsters – as has been amply illustrated of late.

  10. TheMule–I hated it when Eric Holder used the term “My people” and I hate it when Bottoms uses it. You are an elected politician. Your people are supposed to be everyone in your district, of every race, creed, and color. Americans. How about you think about them instead of thinking about “your people”?

  11. I heard a black idiot on talk radio this AM claiming that the racist cops were at fault because blacks were shooting one another. At least the black radio host hung up on him.


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