Explosive College Recruiting Video on BLM Shows Why ‘Wokey McWokeface’ Needs Not Apply – IOTW Report

Explosive College Recruiting Video on BLM Shows Why ‘Wokey McWokeface’ Needs Not Apply


Merkle said that this video and the others like it aren’t only about recruitment, but empowerment for other colleges and those who would unthinkingly bend a knee “to Baal”:

“The college campus is what has been broken in America for some time, and nobody has been willing to notice or address the problem,” said Merkle. “That is why we are currently looking at a generation of students that have not been trained to think clearly and can so easily be swept up by Marxist ideology. We wanted to show that there was at least one knee out there that has not bowed to Baal.”

7 Comments on Explosive College Recruiting Video on BLM Shows Why ‘Wokey McWokeface’ Needs Not Apply

  1. Wyoming Catholic College does not accept Federal funds. They use Great Books, not textbooks. Conversational Latin is taught. They have a wilderness equestrian program. Students may not carry a cell phone, but may carry a firearm.


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