Bongino: In a seeming attempt to cater to Latino voters, Joe Biden is running a Spanish-language ad contrasting him with President Trump, saying “los cuentos no pagan las cuentas,” meaning “stories don’t pay the bills.”
But Biden is using different accents for the same ad from three different Spanish-speaking places. Fox News reports that “the version of the ad that aired in Miami featured a narrator with a Cuban accent, while in Orlando, the ad had a narrator with a Puerto Rican accent and, in Phoenix, the accent was Mexican.” more
Too bad for him he doesn’t have a ‘cop’ accent:
He could have ads in 100 different languages, nothing can help him short of offering a $1000 for a vote at the polling place.
Joe Biden can’t get through this….”The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain”…in any dialect….throw him some Norte Dakotan and he’ll core out….”Ya want eggs wit dat Joe?….LOLOL
Pander much?
Wrds are diff as well!
2 Mexican words that are “Outlander” to cubans + Puerto Ricans:
Caro(car), hamburgs(hamburger). There are many others 1 that relates to me personally, a very bad Mexican word – bothers me not – JUERO.
SPANISH LIKE ENGLISH IS NOT UNIVERSAL. IE WHAT PARTOF A CAR IS “BOOT” WHAT ARE “BISCUTS”…. Scotch and English mark me as American in 3 words or less. GOOD
What a pendejo.
As screwed up as Joe is, he probably started off each message with: “Yo Mama”.
“Eich Ein Burrito!”
I’d vote for that.
Joe, call Hillary. Your schtick needs work.
Somebody should have slipped a script in front of him that read – ‘chinga tus madres’, ‘su madre es una puta’. That would really win him some Hispanic votes.
Lemme guess, little Marco provided the Cubano flavor.