Flynn Defense Files Supplement #2 Motion to Dismiss – Includes New Exculpatory DOJ Release – IOTW Report

Flynn Defense Files Supplement #2 Motion to Dismiss – Includes New Exculpatory DOJ Release

Conservative Treehouse:

Earlier today Sidney Powell filed a new supplemental brief (#2) [pdf here] in support of the unopposed motion to dismiss.  The supplement covers the defense position on the newly released information from USAO Jeff Jensen which includes: notes taken by Tash Guahar at a January 25, 2017 briefing; the FBI work product that was an outcome of that briefing; and later notes by acting DAG Dana Boente.

The notes and FBI briefing summary are also on pdf here and embedded below.  It’s a lot of granular information to consider – so it’s worth beginning with the filing by Sidney Powell to see how the evidence released pertains to the current status of the case.

On January 25, 2017, the day after Flynn was interviewed by FBI Agent Peter Strzok and FBI Agent Joe Pientka (he’s the redacted name per his status under an ongoing protective order) the DOJ and FBI group assembled to discuss the Flynn interview and what steps they would take to frame Michael Flynn as part of their ongoing resistance operation. more

13 Comments on Flynn Defense Files Supplement #2 Motion to Dismiss – Includes New Exculpatory DOJ Release

  1. …I guess I can’t see how the “judge” can even PRETEND to impartiality when he’s the ONLY one trying to actually PROSECUTE the case, but that’s just me…

  2. SUPER
    Actually it seems the district appeal court wants Flynn prosecuted more. Otherwise they’d turned down Sully’s newest stall!
    Bush 1 built a small “Deep State” but Bush2 made it Goliath!

  3. Flynn’s attorney has to keep adding up the billable hours, while Sullivan and his attorneys (and the circuit court of appeals) get paid by we the taxpayers. Sullivan has nothing to lose.

  4. “These documents were known to exist at the highest levels of the Justice Department and by Special Counsel, yet they were hidden from the defense for three years.”

    Alrighty, then.


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