Michael Flynn bombshell: FBI believed he was ‘forthcoming’ and ‘telling truth,’ notes show – IOTW Report

Michael Flynn bombshell: FBI believed he was ‘forthcoming’ and ‘telling truth,’ notes show


Months before Michael Flynn was charged with the lying to agents, the FBI told the Justice Department the Trump national security adviser was “very open and forthcoming” in his interview and believed he was telling the truth about his contacts with Russia, according to long withheld government notes that sharply contrast with the criminal case Robert Mueller eventually filed.

FBI agents told senior DOJ officials at a Jan. 25, 2017 meeting that Flynn was “telling truth as he believed it” and that he “believe[d] that what he said was true,” according to handwritten notes taken by then-Deputy Assistant Attorney General Tashina Gauhar that were belatedly turned over to Flynn’s defense this month.

The agents also believed Flynn was “being forthright” during his interview and simply didn’t remember some facts from his calls with the Russian ambassador during the post-2016 election transition, Gauhar wrote in the notes. A separate DOJ memo described Flynn as “very open and forthcoming” during the interview. MORE

5 Comments on Michael Flynn bombshell: FBI believed he was ‘forthcoming’ and ‘telling truth,’ notes show

  1. But the addendum of the report remains unwritten.
    It should go something like “Then we oathbreaking, criminal bastards took illegal orders from our felon president and broke every law we needed to in order to follow his instructions in conspiring to destroy the Trump Presidency by fomenting a coup based on lies and the political hatred
    directed at his Administration”.
    Isn’t that about right?

  2. The rove/Bush syndicate openly said VOTE CLINTON Oct ’16! that GWB’s boy Muller is going after Flynn and Don should shock NO ONE! GWB hates dDon!
    GWB’s appointees will go after Don and Dn’s men until GWB sin jail!


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