8 Comments on Trump Attack Ad Uses Don Jr.’s Words To Make It Seem Like He’s Attacking His Father
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All they can do is lie but what’s worse than that half the country believes their bullshit.
“Meidas touch” put that video out.
Why can’t I help but think it should be “Medias touch”?
It would explain the lies and the mis-spelling.
It’s all the left has. Lying and cheating.
If anyone falls for this they deserve to have Biden.
^^^ because everything they touch turns to shit?
Fat Lou…. Hey maybe they’re german… ei = i, ie= e.
So we’re trashing kids now? Game on.
Let’s go after Hunter. Plenty there. And let’s talk about the fact that Joey and his sister/wife Jill won’t recognize the grandson from that stripper. Let’s talk about how Hunter was cheating on his wife, with his brother’s wife, knocked up a stripper AND married some chick he knocked up from South Africa, at the same time.
Let’s talk about
Joe using Hunter to connect him to fraudulent companies overseas to money launder.
Let’s talk about Joe’s kids and niece being drug addicts.
Let’s talk about Hunter stealing a Secret Service badge which was found in a rental car along with a crack pipe and his wallet and ID.
Yes. Let’s talk about that.
Only a complete moron would be fooled by that ad. The dems will lap it up.
I hope he sues.