I’m out of the box here, but, NO LIVES MATTER – IOTW Report

I’m out of the box here, but, NO LIVES MATTER

Let me explain.

We have to define what BLM means by “black lives matter.” I believe they mean that all black lives matter irrespective of what kind of person we’re dealing with. I reject that.

Also, proclaiming that black lives matter while not being content with the phrase all lives matter is provocative, in that, rejecting all lives matter means that it’s just black lives that are precious. I reject that as well.

Having said this, I don’t think there is any GROUP where all the people contained in that group have lives that matter. There are people in every compartmentalization whose lives do not matter to me whatsoever, and I wouldn’t lose a wink of sleep when they shed this mortal coil.

(I’m not interested in the devout ‘s position about how we are all God’s children and every life has value. I am merely wishing God’s precious creations a swift journey to God’s hell. ) (Isn’t the existence of hell evidence that all lives do not matter?) (I’m not looking for an argument. These are just my opinions and I very well may be an imbecile.)

Take a gander at this precious soul drop kicking a toddler in the head.

This POS matters?

ht/ bad brad

31 Comments on I’m out of the box here, but, NO LIVES MATTER

  1. There’s nothing redeemable here. And there’s no excuse for this type of animalistic behavior. Fucking animals don’t act this way. I can now understand why toddlers are being shot. Just wait until this piece of shit gets a gat. This kid needs a retroactive abortion

  2. The Democrats, BLM, Antifa, paid protestors, have launched coordinated attacks.
    The similarities in the attacks is “Anything that promotes good values, honesty, and good work ethics”.
    They ran out of statues so now it’s churches, masonic lodges, and probably the Boy Scout accusers.
    How many kid have been in the Boy Scouts, and yet the .04% makes it all bad, that’s about the same number as Covid-19.
    None of that makes MSM.
    Tell your friends and family to be alert, this is going to get stupider.
    111 Days.



  3. I have to say that animal needs to be put down. Actually all of the animals in that video do. Even when what I’m assuming was his mother tried to go to him, they knocked her down from behind.
    It’s becoming most days I feel like all of these mobs need to just be mowed down.

  4. it’s an exercise that the great religions constantly tackle with & do not answer properly

    either all lives matter, or no lives matter … where is the grey middle?

    the marxist left definitely does not believe all lives matter. they’ve slaughtered untold billions of lives in their ‘march to a better utopia’ … they sacrifice the unborn in a practically orgiastic Satanic manner … & whoa unto anyone that would dare to interfere w/ the grinding wheel of slaughter of the lower classes children

    Christ, Buddha believe all lives matter because God created us, therefore we all matter.
    the question is, would you drown baby Adolph Hitler if you knew he would become the beast he would eventually evolve into? … most of us would … I would

    understand, this is not the same as indiscriminately killing the unborn …. it’s a hypothetical situation in that the question is predisposing that you know the inevitable outcome of this child … we put ourselves into the position of God (or at least having God-like power of pre-destination) … it’s a trick question
    … & that is the situation with infanticide, commonly know as ‘abortion’ (after all, if infanticide of the unborn … up until the moment of birth … if it is legal, why is post-birth ‘abortion’ illegal?) where infants are routinely killed, with the blessing of the ruling class, for ‘convenience’

    understand the difference, & the manipulation of the subject

    we all have the potential to matter … it is our choice & challenge in life to prove that we do

  5. I had to sit through my Unconscious Bias and Allyship training today. There were no surprises.

    You should support BLM and give them money. You should fight with your family and friends to support them.
    Silence is violence.

    If you are in a meeting for a project you are working in, you should give up your seat so that a person of color can take credit for your work.

    But don’t think you’re some “white knight”. Oh, no. You have privileges because you’re white and you should sacrifice your life, career, friend and family to promote minorities who you maybe don’t even know. Except when “being an ally” is offensive to a minority who doesn’t need your goddamn help. White people always be making assumptions but it ain’t their job to educate you on what all is wrong with you.

    There was some crying over, sniff, what happened to George Floyd.

    We’ll close with our Oath to Social Justice.

    Then they bragged about the number of people in the call. It’s like, we were motherfucking ordered to attend by the President of our company.

  6. btw, Hell is the common grave of Mankind, according to the Bible … a place where there is no redemption … no rebirth

    there is no real justice on Earth (haven’t we seen enough to agree?)
    God is the ultimate judge … your time on Earth is tragically short & what you do here echoes into eternity

    … act accordingly

  7. 13% of the population is trying to enslave the 87%, with the help of the media & Dems. It’s OK to kill 336,000 babies, but not a black criminal.
    Any organization evolved in community service could be a target. Churches, food pantries, clinics, anybody doing good.
    And the Dems will claim to be the saviors.
    111 days

  8. @ Cmn¢¢guy JULY 15, 2020 AT 12:01 AM

    The Democrats have been just as despicable towards Catholics as they have toward blacks. Take an honest look at the KKK, particularly but not exclusively here in the northwest, and their record is well documented. They are now disguising their racism, but their virulent anti Catholicism is on full display daily.

    The Democrat Party represents pure unadulterated filth.

  9. The Democrats couldn’t give a shit about anyone or anything they cannot exploits serve their own ends, particularly to make political hay of. Never have never will.

  10. All lives matter to God in the sense that Christ died for everybody. But anyone that rejects the salvation that Christ offered goes to hell, so in the end those lives don’t really matter. Straight is the gate narrow is the path that leads to everlasting life – few black lives there be that find it. You can put any race of humanity or victim group in there and it still translates the same. Black lives surrendered to God matter to Him – the rest are just fodder for the fires of hell.

  11. Black Lives Matter, LLC. That is what BLM is. They could have named their 501(c) anything at all, but that’s the name they used because it is so easily confused with a so-called social justice movement (that was also based in a lie).

    The Dems were slow on the uptake when MLK Jr. and the Kennedy bros were assassinated. They could have raked it in with “MLK, Not the KKK!”, for example.

    That’s what “Black Lives Matter” really is; a false crisis, not going to waste. (h/t Saul Alinsky)

  12. “… would you drown baby Adolph Hitler if you knew he would become the beast he would eventually evolve into?”

    Pure sophistry. If you drowned him as a baby he could not become that beast.
    You would be murdering an innocent.
    That is the same sophistry that justified the Nazis to murder Jewish children (they would be capable of revenge as adults) and Soviet, Chinese, and North Korean Communists to murder millions of “potential” spies, saboteurs, and “class” enemies.

    What the BLM maggots never attempt is to define what “matters” means.
    And are there actually “black” lives and “white” lives? Do our souls have shades? Why are “black” lives destroyed by other “blacks” of no consequence?

    And why should any of these maggots “matter” to me?
    For the most part, they are parasitic, useless, whining, snotty, complaining, blaming, diseased, violent, drug-infested, alcohol-soaked slackers who blame everyone and everything for the lives that they have crafted for themselves.

    A legacy of slavery? Bullshit. If that were the case than the whole of humanity would be a bunch of parasitic, useless, whining, snotty, complaining, blaming, diseased, violent, drug-infested, alcohol-soaked slackers … oh … hold on a second …

    izlamo delenda est …

  13. Tim- Also, even if you did drown hitler (piss be upon him) there is no guarantee a bigger freak wouldn’t step forward to do more damage.
    And I have to wonder why when the question comes up, no one ever says, “I would take hitler from his mother and father and raise him to reject evil.”
    {and get him some art lessons. sheeesh}

    I wonder if someone good had taken saddam hussein (piss be upon him as well) away from his psycho mother and uncle, and away from islam, if the world would have been better off.

    I do not excuse those 2 men (feces be upon them) for anything they have done from birth to death. I’m sure there was mental illness that my well could have been treated in the right conditions. I just wonder if their upbringing was altered, if they’d still be pieces of shit. That’s all.

  14. @Cliche Guevara-I too was sent to “white people bad” re-education class. What a bunch of posing, preening, self-important loons!
    Then I got a reading list. F-off, I’m not doing homework.
    We are supposed to have a de-brief with the staff about this BS. This is the ONE good part about COVID, I don’t have to be in the same room with these people when this happens.
    I like my co-workers, but I wouldn’t choose them to be my friends.
    I don’t understand why work should become a group therapy session.

  15. The very idea that a race is inherently bad is racism. And if racism is just normality and must be combined with “power” to become an abnormal racism, then who is it in our society exercising power? If everone has to go to emasculate the whites sessions or else – who holds power over whom? If everyone has to mindlessly mouth the slogans of the Left or else – who holds the power over whom?

    Fuck the Left. They are racist facist pigs that must all be wiped off the face of the earth.

  16. MJA,
    We don’t ask those questions because it implies responsibility on our part.
    If we are content to let generations of Americans be raised as amoral savages in our cities, then we are part of the problem. If we pretend that they are amoral savages because of some inheritable trait, then we are absolved of all responsibility. If we refuse to ask the question, we don’t have to accept the answer.

    Attempting to purchase good behavior from those you consider amoral savages is to surrender the morality of your position – and an expression of contempt for both the savage and yourself.

    izlamo delenda est …

  17. @Cliche Guevara, the lunatic who created this wants our help:
    This guide is open source, meaning that anyone can contribute. I’m a queer Black femme and my voice should not be the only one shaping this guide.
    If you identify as a member of an underinvested community and want to contribute, please submit a pull-request on this GitHub repository.
    If you aren’t a GitHub user and would still like to contribute, send me an email at guidetoallyship [to] byamelie [dot] co.

    I identify as a member of an underinvested community. I am a natural blonde with a high IQ.

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