Former Trump physician Ronny Jackson wins House GOP primary in Texas – IOTW Report

Former Trump physician Ronny Jackson wins House GOP primary in Texas

FOX – Jackson’s victory was due in part to the strong backing he enjoyed from President Trump. He took to twitter after his victory to spotlight that he and his wife Jane “just got off the phone with @realDonaldTrump! It’s official! I am honored to be the Republican nominee for #TX13! I promise I will make you proud!” – story

4 Comments on Former Trump physician Ronny Jackson wins House GOP primary in Texas

  1. Good for him.

    In other news, Bernanke wrote opinion piece for NYSlimes advocating giving billions to the states.

    Because all those people on public payrolls and on public pensions making over 100k in retirement need our money.

    If congress doesn’t give them the money, the federal reserve will just buy newly issued bonds from the states to accomplish the same feat.

    I saw a list of just the number of people on govt payrolls making over 100k in california and its in the thousands. Many making over 200 and over 300k in retirement pensions. That’s what all this money will go for.

  2. Been very impressed with him since that report, to WH Press Pool, concerning President Trumps Physical. He handled the presstitue gaggle adroitly…didn’t lose his cool. I would’ve probably hurt one or two of ’em.

    Met him at one of his Town Halls, and immediately volunteered for his local campaign. I really appreciated his willingness to go anywhere, and everywhere, to meet the district voters. Specifically taking time to speak with everyone he could, so he could hear their concerns, recommendations, and simply making new friends. Something he plans to continue throughout his self-term limited stint. I found him to be refreshingly approachable, passionately conservative, sharp, undaunted, and an just all-around stand-up guy.

    I am proud to have supported him, and very pleased to consider him a statesman and friend. In spite of his being Navy.


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