Liberal Reporter: Yes, The Mueller Probe’s ‘Hysterical Fallacies’ Is Cause For Roger Stone’s Commutation – IOTW Report

Liberal Reporter: Yes, The Mueller Probe’s ‘Hysterical Fallacies’ Is Cause For Roger Stone’s Commutation


Roger Stone is a sleazebag. He’s this, that, or the other. I don’t care. Whether he’s a political operative with an affinity for all things Nixon, the boogeyman, or whatever the liberal media wants to hurl at him, it doesn’t matter. It’s immaterial to the case for which he was the victim of a witch hunt. And you bet Roger Stone doesn’t care what these liberal media clowns think of him either; he relishes that they hate him.

President Trump recently commuted his sentence regarding his convictions of witness tampering and lying to Congress for which he was supposed to serve 40 months in jail. That won’t happen (via WSJ):

President Trump commuted the sentence of Roger Stone Friday, wielding his executive power just days before his longtime friend and political adviser was set to report to prison.

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany announced the move—which all but ends any legal jeopardy for Mr. Stone…declaring that he was a “victim of the Russia Hoax that the Left and its allies in the media perpetuated for years in an attempt to undermine the Trump Presidency.”

Mr. Stone was convicted in federal court in November of making false statements, witness tampering and trying to impede a congressional investigation into Russian election interference. He was set to report to prison Tuesday to begin serving a 40-month sentence.

Mr. Trump called Mr. Stone ahead of the announcement to let him know he would be commuting the sentence. The decision came shortly after a federal appeals court denied an emergency request by Mr. Stone to delay the start of his prison term.

“Roger Stone was targeted by an illegal Witch Hunt that should never have taken place,” Mr. Trump tweeted on Saturday morning.


Mr. Trump’s action brings to a close one of the final remaining cases stemming from former special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential race and whether anyone in the Trump campaign was involved.

Yeah, and that right there is the issue: the Special Counsel investigation.

Michael Tracey is a liberal, a proud one. Maybe you could call him a progressive of the old mold, one that hasn’t been totally un-spooled by the mob antics and the “woke” police ethos. Tracey is also very much an independent reporter, which means he has no company line to toe. As such, he’s attracted a lot of haters from the Left. His former employers at The Young Turks have criticized him. Why? Well, for starters, he’s been a Trump-Russia collusion skeptic from the beginning. With a tinge of sarcasm, he’s undercut, mocked, and outright eviscerated the key points of the collusion myth and excoriated its peddlers. Yes, Trump-Russia collusion is a myth for which there is no evidence. There never was any evidence, even as the Special Counsel’s office (SCO) under Robert Mueller desperately tried to find some; they couldn’t. And the entire SCO probe was based on a lie. more here

5 Comments on Liberal Reporter: Yes, The Mueller Probe’s ‘Hysterical Fallacies’ Is Cause For Roger Stone’s Commutation

  1. This story even has an interesting point that nobody here will be surprised at. This entire story came out of Michael Tracey responding to a twit (yeah, I know, but just wait for it) from a twit named Mittens Romney saying that the commutation was “Unprecedented, historic corruption”

  2. Regardless of what you think of this guy, the left is ‘loosing their religion’ over this, not that they have any religion. And this is a fantastic thing!

    Just look up the term. It’s a southern saying , I read some time ago. They are loosing ‘it’ on a daily basis.

  3. I bet Michael Tracey doesn’t wear a mask either.

    And F—k You, Judge Amy Bermanjaegermanjackson* you cucking funt. I hope you rot in hell.

    *spongebob reference. don’t bother.


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