BLM cop killer arrested after mother posts about his crime on Facebook – IOTW Report

BLM cop killer arrested after mother posts about his crime on Facebook

Post Millennial: A mother took to Facebook to ask for prayers for her son, who had just called her and admitted to killing an officer, and wounding another. Carolyn Washington wrote: “In shock My son killed a police officer and wounded another one Asking for PRAYER.”

A dispatcher said “Henry Washington called, said he’d killed an officer, needs to go to the hospital, and then hung up. Said he was going to call his mother.” The incident happened in Bothell, Wash.

Her son is Henry Eugene Washington, and he was booked earlier today on three counts: homicide, assault, and vehicular assault. His bail was denied.

26 Comments on BLM cop killer arrested after mother posts about his crime on Facebook

  1. sitting here …. slowly shaking my head …..

    nothing is valid in many people’s lives if they can’t post it on Fakebook
    …. very sad how empty their lives truly are

  2. There is so much there to shake your head at I don’t even know where to start.
    It probably should start with don’t have kids if YOU can’t provide for them morally, spiritually and financially.

  3. …pray for your cop-killer son? Makes perfect sense if THIS is your starting point…

    “If God is not for us, if God is not against white racists, then God is a murderer, and we had better kill God. The task of black theology is to kill gods that do not belong to the black community”
    -James H. Cone, “A Black Theology of Liberation.”

    …this is the root of “Obama’s” GD America “church”, a core philosophy of the AME, and really does drive the thinking in much of the Black church community today…so, when you hear about what “Black Christians” are saying, don’t be too sure you would recognize their “Christ”…

    I leave you with the words of celebrated Black Baptist minister, revered Civil Rights icon, and close personal friend of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the Reverend James Lowery, who said, “all white people were going to hell”…

    …now let’s all sing the Black National Anthem while waiting for our necklaces…

  4. I am sure there will be a statue of this piece of shit thug put in place of one of our founding fathers. Time to take chains and rip down all of these fucking black statues that are now being erected.

  5. Monday night was an uncommon one for Western WA. Prior to the police officer being shot, six people were shot at a bus stop in Renton and a 15 year old was shot inside a Target in Kent (the shooter was black too). Sure, defund the police.

    I blame the criminal elements who’ve descended upon Seattle for the daily Marxist protests and the politicians and locals who’ve welcomed them here.

  6. I’ve worked closely with cops and district attorneys for many years and they tell me Facebook is one of their best friends when investigating crime because dumb asses and their dumb ass friends can’t keep their mouths shut.

  7. The end draws closer by the day now, evidence of it is so frequent it is hard to ignore, but most will find a way to ignore it or reinterpret it so they can avoid facing the truth.

  8. Another nigger shitbag. Bothell used to be a quiet, sleepy town 30 years ago. Obama’s program to spread coonass misery to all the suburbs did its job just fine, I see.

    “Fee Fi Fo Figger, Oh my God, do I hate niggers.”

    – Chris Rock

  9. Kevin R. “He needs to be hung”
    If you mean he has a big dick, you used the word right.
    If you mean he should be executed by hanging, you should have said” He needs to be hanged”.
    That said, you can be – at the same time – hung and hanged. Though being hung after you are hanged wont’ do you any good, being you’re dead.

  10. What a good time to parse words Anonymous Asshole, another cop just got killed and the other one was lucky.
    Bothell is a small city out side of Seattle and has never had a officer kill by an animal like this.
    The guy has a rap sheet as long as your arm.
    He is from out of state.
    We don’t have the death penalty here so I hope they can get him on federal charges where he will get the death penalty.

  11. The local media is all in lockstep highlighting the story line that the perp “may not have been taking his medication.” This suggests to me that the Democrat Party has been in touch and given them their Democrat Party approved talking points.

  12. OK, now there’s been a shooting in Sammamish tonight. Another wealthy suburb of Seattle. At this rate, many will be red pilled by November and any thoughts of defunding the police “just o be woke” will be a done for.


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