National Association of Police Organizations Endorses The President – IOTW Report

National Association of Police Organizations Endorses The President


The National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO) endorsed President Donald Trump for president on Wednesday, abandoning their previous support of former Vice President Joe Biden.

“Our endorsement recognizes your steadfast and very public support for our men and woman on the front lines, especially during this time of unfair and inaccurate opprobrium being directed at our members by so many,” the letter from NAPO President Michael McHale read. More

9 Comments on National Association of Police Organizations Endorses The President

  1. Brown Eyed Girl — Your avatar reminded me: we have plenty of Aunt Jemima syrup on the store shelves near us. 🙂

    Such a nice looking label. Idiots want to get rid of it.

  2. Wow what a contrast – no ambiguity here: Joe “I support BLM, Antifa, anarchy, chaos and de-fund the police” Biden vs. Donald “I support Law and Order, the police aaand, I love America” Trump.

    I hope the campaign ads are being written and produced as we speak.

  3. A cop would be beyond stupid to support any Democrat(although I know there are many that are).
    I guess this is another game they’re going to play.

    Now look at what his lawyer is claiming. Sorry those images are not racist or homophobic. The first one for a non-racist democrat shows democrats only care about blacks when they stay on the plantation, otherwise they’ll tie them up and whip them like they did in the past.

    The second is showing Michelle Obama is really Michael. I thought they were all for transgenders.

  4. “Joe Biden has done nothing to stop his party’s ‘defund the police”

    If the police are going to be de-funded, so should welfare, food stamps, and free medical care. If you don’t need police, you can take care of yourself on every level.


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