Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez VS. Bread – IOTW Report

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez VS. Bread

The Analysis.

27 Comments on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez VS. Bread

  1. Cortez’s problem is that she does actually have talent in her personality she’s just incredibly under-educated, and has no realization of that.

    Her ego must be off the charts (as anyone who got where they are as a ‘lottery winner’, much like the obamas) – so much so, that there is no hope of her ever confronting her own ignorance.

    All that said, she is who she is, and that is all she will ever be. Too bad, really.

  2. All I know is that she makes perfect sense to her constituents, which is why she is their representative. Beyond that she is a media creation and a media supported airhead…and irrelevant to anyone with a critical thinking brain.

  3. I feel sorry for the poor thing. I do believe she’s so stupid there is NO way she can realize just how stupid she actually is. I’ll bet she can watch video of herself and think it’s perfectly normal. I guess you can be elected to office even with some forms of mental retardation!

  4. I whupped yer ass @Billy. I made it to 2 minutes. LOL.
    Granted. I lost 14 IQ points just to beat you.
    But I grew a prehensile tail in the meantime so I can now hang from the light fixture in the kitchen while eating a banana.

  5. It’s the Invasion Of The Body Snatchers in NYC. She said people’s bodies are being snatched and put into cages, like, you know, every day, practically. The only defense people have is to steal bread.

    Maybe writing scripts for B movies would be a more suitable calling for her.

  6. “… professor of ‘Alternative Dispute Resolution’ at Georgetown University … she’s a deep scholar … “ ???

    seriously, people’s parents pay good money for this crap & expect their little Nimrods to come out as serious, thinking adults? …. mind boggling

    it just goes on from there as someone running their fingers up & down their lips & going, “bdibidah, bdibidah, bdibidah, bdibidah, bdibidah, bdibidah” ala Looney Tunes Cartoons

  7. DW – If the “perfessers” in this country were forced to work in the private sector I’d put good money on a bet that fully half of them couldn’t make it for six months!

  8. Here are two examples of the reason we find ourselves in the situation In which we currently reside. As a country we have allowed obviously unqualified people to hold positions of influence / power. Both of these women lack any semblance of intellect that would qualify them for any job requiring the simplest of rational thought. Here are the results of affirmative action and lack of education of the people who either vote for, or hire unqualified people. It will only get worse. We can thank 50-years of the government education system.


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