Dr. Fauci’s Admission is SCANDALOUS – IOTW Report

Dr. Fauci’s Admission is SCANDALOUS

Lawyer Explains – Viva Frei Vlawg.

Breaking down a Q&A from the House Energy & Commerce Committee hearing where in response to a question from David McKinley, Dr. Fauci makes an scandalous admission that exemplifies why people have lost faith in government and authority.

29 Comments on Dr. Fauci’s Admission is SCANDALOUS

  1. @BFH- I have not seen all of your work but I cannot stop laughing to the point M Hatch said WHAT are you laughing at!?

    Then I showed her the Golden Boy meme! He kinda reminds me of Phil Rizzuto as well.

    Effing fantastic. Has to be one of THEE best so far…

    Frei is good and I dig his presentation style.

  2. Everything is a scam! Wear maskings, don’t wear maskings, stand 6 ft apart. I’m through. I was run over by a bus and in a head on car crash, I can’t worry about this. I’m not stupid and now this virus is big and can be transmitted but we need to live and not die alone. The whole thing is ridiculous. Enough.

    God Bless us all!

  3. Fauci is a dissembling motherfucker — we already knew that. Adams is also a dissembling degenerate piece of shit stuck in the tread of a boot. They both stink the place up and should be washed off with a potent hose into a septic tank.

  4. Viva Frei Vlawg and Homer have to-do lists as long as mine? Didn’t think that was possible.

    When is Dr Fraud going to be sued for malpractice? Curious mind’s would like to know. 🤔

  5. This wretched, moldy little “circus peanut” (h/t MJA) should be roasted, cracked and tossed out on a sidewalk in DC for the pigeons or rats to eat.

  6. @ Miss Kitty JULY 16, 2020 AT 11:42 PM

    Well he certainly admitted, under oath, that the advice he was giving the public, who he owes a standard of care, was not consistent with his professional opinion, based on what would be best for those he was addressing. If professional licensing meant anything other than providing the illusion of “protecting the public,” which I can assure you it does not, he would have his ticket yanked.

    That being said: What he is admitting to would most definitely constitute professional malpractice. But does he have the same obligation to the public at large as a physician has to an individual he is advising? Or is flim flamery expected?

  7. Fauci lied to me once about not needing a mask because of the “paucity” of PPE for healthcare workers……..shame on him……

    I’ll not give that lying little shit weasel another chance.

  8. JDHasty
    I know he isn’t a practicing physician, just another worthless bureaucrat, but it just chap’s me that the little weasel walks around like it’s no big deal, that he helped to destroy millions of people’s lives and job’s.

  9. this shitbag should be given a short rope and pushed off a tall building so that the only thing that breaks his fall is his neck.

    then they can make a statue of him to replace one of the founders that has been destroyed by “his” people.

  10. It amazes me that in our “great nation” we seem to have a paucity of qualified medical professionals who know how to handle Covid-19. And a even greater paucity of those who know, that make it to main stream medias soap box microphones. Krap shoot political gaming.

  11. Fauci is an attention whore.

    I am finding it revealing and interesting that now that death rates are low, near zero in Maine, Democrat Mayors and Governors are dictating masks. If they weren’t necessary as Fauci initially said, they still aren’t necessary. It had nothing to do with a “paucity”.
    They are trying to see what they can get away with and how much people will comply without complaint or outright defiance.
    Sadly, fear sells and is an addictive drug.

  12. Worker Peasant Tax Slave JULY 17, 2020 AT 7:37 AM
    “It amazes me that in our “great nation” we seem to have a paucity of qualified medical professionals who know how to handle Covid-19”

    …I took sick people to the hospital all the time a few decades ago. Because the hospital was where sick people were SUPPOSED to go. Because they were SICK. That’s WHY the hospitals EXIST.

    We weren’t afraid of sick people. Universal precaustions, no problem.

    The hospital wasn’t afraid of sick people. Universal precaustions, no problem.

    …but now, suddenly, hospitals ARE afraid of sick people. Pretty sure we’ve had communicable diseases before, and I’m pretty sure the hospital DEALT with communicable diseases before. Now, though, we have doctors, nurses, medics, etc., SCARED to deal with sick people, practically REFUSING to do so, and making whiny YouTube videos about how awful it is that someone may require they deal with sick people IN THEIR HOSPITAL JOB.

    I guess I don’t understand what they THOUGHT the job was. It’s like a kid that goes into the National Guard for college money, and then is upset that he’s sent somewhere people SHOOT at him. Again, what did you THINK the job was?

    I don’t want to be eaten by lions, so I avoid that problem by not working in a job that requires that I interact in any way with lions. That way, no one ever brings me a hungry lion to feed and, if they DID, I could properly refuse it because that’s not my job.

    So by the same token, there is no REQUIREMENT on ANY “Health Care” worker that they CONTINUE to work in “Health Care”. It’s still a semi-free Country, at least for now. Don’t want to be around SICK people? Go drive a forklift! Learn to code! Teach the next generation how to be a cowardly asshole statist in a university! Just DON’T stay in a JOB that IS working with sick people IF IT SCARES YOU SO BAD YOU REFUSE TO DO IT!!!

    …honestly, I’m not sure when exactly this happened, probably with the advent of Obamacare driving out the GOOD docs, but sometime in this millenium the “Health Care” system became the “Personal Care” system. There’s still some remnant of actual patient care to be found, here and there, but by and large it’s been subsumed by corporate fund control and practices prudent to the point of cowardace. Yes, it serves the political purposes of the day as the ENTIRE COVID thing is a flu fluffed to a monster by the press for the purposes of destroying as President and a Nation and doesn’t have any reality to it, but I saw this going downhill BEFORE COVID was a gleam in Nancy Pelosi’s lifeless, sanpaku eyes. I even changed doctors because when my old man doc retired (because of Obamcare but also because, old, his first name was “Berthold” if that tells you how REALLY old he was), they gave me to some Doogy Howser fresh from med school back a couple of years ago who’s idea of a complete physical exam was to look at me from across the room and ask questions without ANY actual contact. Now I’m not an attractive guy, true, and it isn’t really MY idea of fun afternoon either to be prodded by what looked like the Gangnum Style guy, but at the same time medicine REQUIRES you palpate (feel), ausculate (hear), inspect, and percuss (thump) to learn what’s going on BELOW THE SURFACE. Doesn’t require any fancy pictures or giant magnets or even nuclear goo, just a doctor with a hand, a stethoscope, and some knowlege of what to do with BOTH. And my experiences SINCE then, up to and including the PRE-COVID day that one of the BEST hospitals in the Nation damn near killed my son with inadequate action followed by inaction, is that for all these new things they have like STNAs, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, and all these ways they are trying to pretend there’s still such as thing as medical care, the REAL care that I knew as a child and even as a young adult was killed on November 4th, 2008, and that what’s left is moribund at best, it just hasn’t stopped moving.

    And charging.

    And now they’ve run all the family out of the building because of their cowardance and wild excuse-making. God help us. Were I not in the building when my son went into anaphalaxis, he would be DEAD today, telemetry or no telemetry.

    OK, OT rant over, now back to your regularly scheduled topic, and YOU KIDS GET OFF MY LAWN…


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