People Who Wear a Mask in Their Car – IOTW Report

People Who Wear a Mask in Their Car

24 Comments on People Who Wear a Mask in Their Car

  1. Even the box that masks come in say they do not protect against the virus.
    Get this, all the fact checkers, like snopes, and any others you might find claim that people who show pictures of this warning on mask boxes are ‘misrepresenting the facts”. LMAO.

    Oh, ok. So the box warns that it won’t protect but the people who are lying are the ones showing pictures of the warnings on the box.

    These motherfuckers will say ANYTHING!

    EVen that clintonista piece of shit Fauci said “they’re really more symbolic”.

    The fact is that science say they don’t work. The head dirtbag on the health team says they are symbolic. Yet politicians all over the country are mandating them. They are mandating them because it is a political statement saying that they are right and they have been right all along about their tyrannical policies. IN effect, they are making a law that says we have to make a political statement in favor of them.
    The AG of Louisiana says it’s “probably unconstitutional” for his own governor to make this order. A couple others have as well.


    I’ll tell you what will happen. After we have all been forced to wear their political statement on our face for many months and there is no sign of the virus and the masks are about ready to come off, THEN some republican judge will rule that it was unconstitutional to make us wear it. Wait and see.

    Every executive order that Trump signs has a leftist judge strike it down before it ever takes effect. But we can’t find a single judge in this entire fucked up piece of shit country that will strike down these bogus mask orders.

    The civil war cannot arrive soon enough for me.

  2. it is now fashionable to voice your social virtue to all the other mask wearers on the street and in the stores when you pass them by by loudly saying: BAAA BAAA BAAA

  3. JP is mining the ores of the retards’ subterranean thinking.
    The “logic” he espouses is surprisingly similar to what we see on the daily news.

    Funny stuff.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. 2 months ago an asshole in Lincoln Park New Jersey passed out because he was re-breathing his own Carbon Dioxide (N95) and crashed his car.

    People Apr 24/2020

  5. I made my Zorro mask and keep it in my pocket. When anyone scolds me about my lack of mask, I pull out and don it with a smile. Fukcing masktards!

  6. This guy is always spot on. I made a mask out of tulle. Completely see-through and breathable. If anyone says anything to me, I will say, it works as well as yours.

  7. Sarcasm rules, we’ve descended into an era of mass stupidity and conformity to whatever the gubmint and the media says is true. Not all of us have become lemmings but there are certainly more lemmings than there used to be. I refuse to be a sheeple, a goat, a doofus, listen to a Karen, conform to the medias bullshit or just be plain stupid and jump off the cliff like a lemming just because everyone else is doing it.

  8. JP is very good at satire and snark, but even he has trouble selling satire with the state of today’s “news.” Governors Whitmore and Newsom, as well as most of the mayors of major cities could be characters lampooned by comedians on SNL in one of their cold opens, except they’re real and they’re serious.

    I feel sorry for folks like JP – our society, and the news coverage of our society has gone way wacky and you just can’t satirize this type of egotistical idiocy.

  9. Anything that restricts passage of something as small as virus is also going to restrict free flow of air.
    If you have low blood pressure or respiratory issues, wearing a mask could have you passing out at some inopportune time.
    Do these people who come up with these stupid rules ever even consider a down side?


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